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Friday, January 9, 2015

Full Secure Flight Passenger Data (SFPD) requirement of United States Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

ማሳሰቢያ፥ በአሁኑ ወቅት የአሜሪካ የመንገድ ደህንነት ባለስልጣን  (United States Transportation Security Administration (TSA) ) መንገደኞች ከመሳፈራቸው በፊት ከዚህ በታች ያሉት መረጃዎች ልክ የተሳፋሪው ፓስፖርት ላይ ባለው መልኩ መመዝገብ አለባቸው። ይህንን የማያደርጉ ደንበኞች ከበረራ መታገድ እና አላስፈላጊ የሆነ መጉላላት ሊደርስባቸው ስለሚችል ከወዲሁ እነዚህን መረጃዎች በመስጠት ይተባበሩን::

የመንገደኞ ቅድመ መረጃ (Full Secure Flight Passenger Data (SFPD))
የተወለዱበት ቀን::_____________________
ትኬቱን ከመግዛትዎ በፊት መግባት አለበት
የቦ የጉዞ ወኪል
Dear Travers,
In order to full fill the requirement  of United States Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for Full Secure Flight Passenger Data (SFPD) , please provide the correct details of passengers as it is seen on the passport.

Full Name:__________________

Date of Birth:_________________


If available Address of the Passengers:_____________

Whenever a booking is made the correct information must be displayed. This will help Passengers from facing any inconveniences or from being denied boarding  as a result of wrong or incomplete information.

Your cooperation in this important matter is greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

Thursday, January 8, 2015

ፕሬዜዳንት ኦባማ የሁለት አመት ኮሌጆችን በነፃ ለማድረግ ሃሳብ አቀረቡ

ፕሬዜዳንት ኦባማ የሁለት አመት ኮሌጆችን በነፃ ለማድረግ ሃሳብ አቀረቡ

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House on Thursday announced a proposal that President Barack Obama said would make community college "free for everybody who is willing to work for it." But administration officials provided no details about the program's costs or where the money would come to pay for it.
Obama planned to formally announce the plan Friday at Pellissippi State Community College in Knoxville, Tennessee. He gave a preview in a videotaped message shot aboard Air Force One and posted on Facebook.
"It's not just for kids," Obama said. "We also have to make sure that everybody has the opportunity to constantly train themselves for better jobs, better wages, better benefits."
Obama provided few specifics, and White House and Education Department officials on a conference call with reporters Thursday evening said the funding details would come out later with the president's budget.
The White House did say that if all states participated, that nine million students could benefit — saving on average $3,800 in tuition per year for a full-time student. That means the program could cost in the billions of dollars. In a Republican-led Congress, the proposal likely faces a tough legislative fight to be passed.
"With no details or information on the cost, this seems more like a talking point than a plan," said Cory Fritz, press secretary for House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio.
Under the proposal, participating students would be expected to maintain a modest grade point average and participating schools would have to meet certain academic requirements. States would opt in to the program and put up a fraction of the funding.
"Put simply, what I'd like to do is to see the first two years of community college free for everybody who is willing to work for it," the president said.
David Baime, vice president for government relations at the American Association of Community Colleges, called the plan an "extraordinary" investment. He said the essence of the proposal is to reduce the cost of attending community college and "that is a concept that we heartily endorse."
Last year, Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam signed into law a scholarship program using lottery funding that provides free community and technical college tuition for two years to the state's high school graduates.
The scholarship program faced opposition in Tennessee from some of the state's private colleges and legislators concerned that the program could potentially divert students and scholarship dollars from four-year schools. Haslam has said the program will increase the pool of students going to college.
The White House said its proposal was inspired by the Tennessee plan and another similar program in Chicago.
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የሶኒ ፒክቸርስ ለተወሰኑ ሲኒማ ቤቶ እንዲታይ ተብሎ የተቀደለትን ቃላ ምጥይቅ (The Interview Movie) ወይም ኢንተርቪውን በእኔ እየታ

በቃ ጠቅለል ባለ መልኩ በዚህ ሲኒማ ላይ የሰሜን ኮሩያውን መሪ ተጫዎቱበት ነው። በቃ ያላደረጉት ነገር የለም። ሆድ ይፍጀው ነው። ወይ ሲኒማ።።

ከእስራኤል መንግስት የቱሪዚምና ባህል ሚኒስቴር የደርሰን ዜና አለ በቅርቡ ለንባብ እናበቀዋለን

ከእስራኤል መንግስት የቱሪዚምና ባህል ሚኒስቴር የደርሰን ዜና አለ በቅርቡ ለንባብ እናበቀዋለን
ዜናው ጌታ የመጨረሻውን ቀን ወደ ተሰቀለበት ቦታ ሲጓዝ የነበረበት እውነተኛ መንገድን በተመለከተ ይሆናል። በቅርቡ አርኬሎጂ ስቶች ያገኙት መረጃን በተመለከተ ይሆናል።
For more info update here

Oops! Jesus’ Last Steps Are in the Wrong Place

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

ካሊፎርን ያ ውስጥ የእንቁላል ዋጋ ሊጭምር ነው :: ግን ለምን?

ካሊፎርን ያ ውስጥ የእንቁላል ዋጋ ሊጭምር ነው:: ግን ለምን?
ብታምኑም ባታምኑም ባለፈው የምርጫ ወቅት ባደረግነው ውሳኔ ነው። ነገሩ እንዲህ ነው። ካሊፎርንያ ውስጥ የሚረቡ/የሚያድጉ ዶሮዎች የሚኖሩበት ቤት ቢያንስ ቢያንስ አንድ ዶሮ ክንፏን እንደልቧ ዘርግታ ለመዝናናት እንድትችል ሆኖ መሰራት አለበት የሚል ህግ ሰለወጣ ዶሮ አርቢዎች በአንድ ክፍል እንደ ሰርዲን ታጭቀ መፈናፈኛ ሳይኖራቸው ለማርባት መቻላቸው በመቅረቱ ነው። ይህም በመሆኑ አነስተኛ ዶሮዎች በአንድ ክፍል ማስቀመጥ ስለሚቻል ለዶሮ ነፃነት ብለን ያወጣነው ህግ ኪሳችንን ሊያጥበው ነው። ደስ የሚለው ግን በዲሞክሪሲያዊ ህብረተሰብ የዶሮም ሂዎር ይቀየራል። ደስ አይልም። መልሱን ለእናንተው ልተወው::
በነገራችን ላይ የእንቁላል ዋጋ ለ 12ቱ ከ 50 ሳንቲም  አይበለጥም የዶሮ መብት መከበሩ ግን በገንዘብ አይተመንም . IT IS PRICELESS . Share the story  

California egg prices increase due to new law around chicken farming

California's chicken-cage size law, which went into effect on Jan. 1, could translate into an increase in your grocery bills in 2015.

When it comes to prioritizing, is it the chicken or the egg? California lawmakers say it has to be the chicken.

The new law requires farmers to house hens in cages with enough space to stand, turn and stretch their wings. California voters approved the measure back in 2008.

As such, farmers around the country have had to reduce their livestock or build additional accommodations to avoid conditions that were previously acceptable. Egg producers have long said the updated infrastructure will lead to big increases in the price of eggs.

San Jose resident Kyle Wojnar says if the new law means hens are happier then he doesn't mind paying more. "That makes sense to me, at least on a conscious level," he said.

"I think it's a good idea... the way they raise some of the animals and the farming, it's a little inhumane," said Glendale resident Pat Tyson.

On the other hand Karla Isaak wants the better price. "No, I really don't care about the chickens. I just love my eggs," she said.

The farmers additional expenses are already showing up on cartons on store shelves across the state.

"I think chickens should have more room, but I think we shouldn't have our prices raised," said Sandra Bay of San Bruno.

Chickens by law must have more space to move around. A poultry technician at Cal Poly says each chicken will receive 116 square inches of space, up from 69.

Experts worry there could be an egg shortage.

"If you look at the numbers, if we're producing 60 percent before, we're going to be producing about 35 percent of our eggs, that means the other 65 will have to come from out of state producers," egg producer Steven Soderstrom said.

California's out of state egg producers must also meet the new rule.

Industry analysts say egg prices could go up anywhere from 20 cents per dozen to $3.

"They seem to get us either way right? The cost is going to go up so it makes no difference," said Sean Gordy of Burbank.


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

እድሉ የተዘቀዘቀው ሎተረ አሸናፊ ትኬትህ $250,000 አሽንፍሃል የሚልህ በህትመት ግድፍት ስለሆን 250ሺ ሳይሆን ለሞራሉ መቶ ዶላር ተሰጠው

Man Told His Winning Lottery Ticket Is a Misprint

እድሉ የተዘቀዘቀው ሎተረ  አሸናፊ ትኬትህ  $250,000 አሽንፍሃል የሚልህ በህትመት ግድፍት ስለሆን 250ሺ ሳይሆን ለሞራሉ መቶ ዶላር ተሰጠው

Monday, January 5, 2015

Marry Christmas መልካም ልደት

የእለቱ ጥቅስ Quote of the day!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Ethiopian Airlines eyes RwandAir as strategic partner

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - The management of Ethiopian Airlines has shown an interest in becoming a strategic partner of RwandAir, the national flag carrier of Rwanda.

RwandAir is a small but fast growing airline in Africa. The government of Rwanda is currently looking for a strategic partner that can help it in taking the national flag carrier forward. The Government of Rwanda has hired an international consulting firm, Ernst & Young, and is studying a turnaround strategy. Currently, the airline is not making profit.

Reliable sources at Ethiopian told The Reporter that the management of Ethiopian has shown a keen interest in buying a stake in RwandAir. Sources said a delegation comprising senior officials of Ethiopian recently visited the headquarters of RwandAir and held discussion with officials of RwandAir and government officials. Senior executives of Ethiopian have expressed their interest in becoming a strategic partner of RwandAir.

Ethiopian Airlines Group CEO, Tewolde Gebremariam, confirmed his management’s interest in RwandAir but declined to give further details as the discussion is at an early stage.

RwandAir was established in its present form in 2009. It existed before as RwandAir Express which was semi government-owned. With only one wet leased twin otter aircraft RwandAir Express was a small airline.

Read more at: The Reporter

ዘንድሮ የአሜሪካ ብርድ ______ ያሳቅፋል::

Snow and Freezing Rain Could Hamper Travel in Midwest and Northeast

Snow, sleet and freezing rain are snarling travel across the Midwest and Plains and in much of the Northeast during the first weekend of the New Year.
Kansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan could all see up to 3 inches of accumulation Saturday, said Weather Channel meteorologist Michael Palmer. Meanwhile, wind-whipped snow in New England is expected to cause poor visibility on the roads, with freezing rain stretching from Pennsylvania to upstate New York, reported Chicago, parts of Michigan, Maryland and Washington, D.C., can all expect bouts of freezing rain. Some counties in Maryland are also under a snow emergency plan, according to NBC Washington, meaning all vehicles are required to chain their tires.
The southern part of the country didn't escape the precipitation, but saw rain and severe thunderstorms, which prompted the National Weather Service to issue tornado warnings in Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama. Pasts of those states were also under severe flood watches, as was the western half of Tennessee.
This latest winter weather wallop follows snowfall in parts of the Northeast on Friday that caused a massive chain-reaction pileup in New Hampshire. Twelve people were injured in the 35-vehicle accident on Interstate 93, state police said. Parts of New Hampshire, as well as Vermont and Maine, could see another 3 to 6 inches of snow through Sunday morning, reported NBC affiliate WMUR.
The wintry blast preempts a cold front that will bring temperatures that are 10 to 30 degrees below January averages to the Plains and Midwest next week, according to

ራምቦ ቁጥር 5 Rambo 5: Last Blood and Scarpa coming soon

ጥያቄው " ሰውየው  አያረጅም ወይ?" ነው :: ቁጥር አንድ የወጣው የዛሬ 28 (1987) አመት ገደማ ነው::

Although 2014 is just about over, Hollywood multi-hyphenate Sylvester Stallone is among those already looking to the future. Stallone revealed via Twitter that he has lined up his next three projects: He’ll begin production in Philadelphia on the Rocky spinoff Creed immediately, then shoot Rambo: Last Blood (confirming’s own title scoop from earlier this year) and follow both with the mobster biopic Scarpa.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Ethiopian Christmas Special Offer starting at $970 Airlines, the largest and most profitable airline in Africa, is pleased to announce that it is offering a special Ethiopian Christmas round trip fare from the US to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia starting from $970.
Travelers need to purchase their tickets between January 5-6, 2015 and can take advantage of the special offer to travel between January 11 through March 31.
About Ethiopian
Ethiopian Airlines (Ethiopian) is the fastest growing and most profitable airline in Africa. In 2014, IATA ranked Ethiopian as the largest airline in Africa in revenue and profit. In its operations in the past close to seven decades, Ethiopian has been a pioneer of African aviation as an aircraft technology leader providing the first jet service in the continent in 1962, and availing the first African B767 in 1984, the first African B777-200LR in 2010 and the first African and second only to Japan B787 Dreamliner in 2012.
Ethiopian commands the lion share of the pan-African passenger and cargo network operating the youngest and most modern fleet to more than 83 international destinations across five continents. Ethiopian fleet includes ultra-modern and environmentally friendly aircraft such as the Boeing 787, Boeing 777-300ER, Boeing 777-200LR, Boeing 777-200LR Freighter and Bombardier Q-400 with double cabin. In fact, Ethiopian is the first airline in Africa to own and operate these aircraft.
Ethiopian is currently implementing a 15-year strategic plan called Vision 2025 that will see it become the leading airline group in Africa with seven strategic business units: Ethiopian International Passenger Service; Ethiopian Regional Service; Ethiopian Cargo; Ethiopian MRO; Ethiopian Aviation Academy; Ethiopian In-flight Catering Service and Ethiopian Ground Service. Ethiopian is a multi-award winning, including SKYTRAX and Passenger Choice Awards in 2013 and has been registering an average growth of 25% per annum in the past seven years.