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Saturday, August 1, 2015

አይሲስ ተሸወደ። በጣም የሚያስቅ እውነተኛ ድራማ

ሰይጣኑ አይሲስ የ አባልነት ምልመላን ባጧጧፈበት ሰሞን ነው አሉ አባላቱን በተለያየ መንገድ መመልመል ይዞ ነበር አሉ። ከነዚህም የመመልመያ ዘዴውች አንዱ በኢንተር ኔት ላይ ነበር አሉ። ከዚያ ቨችንያ (Chechnya) ከሚባለው አገር ሶስት ልጅ አገረዶች ገንዘብ በጣም ያስፈጋቸው ነበር አሉ። ከዚያ የሚያበድር ሲጠፋ ወድ አይሲስ ጎራ የላሉ (በ አካል ሳይሆን በኢንተርኔት) ከዚያ ሞኙ አይሲስ ሰይጣን ተዋጊ አገኘሁ ብሎ የአባላት ፂኦል አስገቢው መልማይ ለልጃገረዶቹ የትኬት መግዣ $3,300 ዶራር  ይልካል። ከዚያ እነሲህ ጩሉሌወች ገንዘባቸውን ይዘው ስውር፣ አይሲስ ገገማውም ገንዘቡን ቀልጦ በንዴት እራሴን ካልቆረጥሁ እያለ ነው አሉ። ነገር ግን የቸችንያ ፕሊስ ጉዳዩን እንደ ወንጀል ውስዶ ልጆቹ በከባድ ምርመራ ላይ ናቸው።

If you're looking for a loan, most people go to their parents or a payday lender.

But for three Chechen girls, the answer was the Islamic State. After being approached by the extremist group via social media, the Chechen girls expressed their desire to go to Syria but the lack of travel funds that made it possible. That was how they hooked the Islamic State recruiters, and then they started to reel them in.

Before it was all said and done, the Islamic State recruiters had sent $3,300 dollars to the trio in order for them to travel from the predominantly Muslim Chechen Republic. In a political climate where ISIS recruitment has had success across Europe, Russia and America, it's rare to hear someone take such blatant advantage of the Islamic State.
I don’t recall any precedent like this one in Chechnya, probably because nobody digs deep enough in that direction,” police officer Valery Zolotaryov told the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. “Anyhow, I don’t advise anyone to communicate with dangerous criminals, especially for grabbing quick money.”

Which pretty much hits the nail on the head.

Apparently, though, the girls may not have been entirely disinterested...

According to RT News, one of the three women was actually considering going through with the plan.

“Many people I know did go, but I know no one for whom it turned out well,” she said.

After ISIS sent the money along, the girls canceled their accounts, stopped all communication and tried to make off with the money. Now, the three women are under investigation for fraud.

The news comes as the Islamic State's continues to try and get a grip on the Middle East, and they continue to pursue attention-grabbing actions like opening a gift shop in Mosul

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