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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Genzebe Dibaba's interview and the interpreter was off topic

Genzebe Dibaba's interview and the interpreter was off topic
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Here is what she said

00:00:00.500 --- 00:00:02.740
የሴቶች የ1500 ሜትር ፍፃሜ ነው

00:00:02.940 --- 00:00:06.140
አሸናፊዋ ከኢትዮጵያ ገንዘቤ ዲባባ ነች

00:00:06.140 --- 00:00:09.400
ዛሬ በጣም ቆንጆ እሩጫ ነበር እስኪ ስለሩጫሽ ንገሪን::

00:00:09.700 --- 00:00:16.240
not one-to-one-interpretation (ትርጉሞ የተቀነሰና የተጨመረ ክፍል አለው)

00:00:16.540 --- 00:00:20.680
Well, this year, I was finishing all races at first,

00:00:20.720 --- 00:00:22.340
I was running the fastest time,

00:00:22.500 --- 00:00:26.180
this is not just 1500 but also this is a year I run 5000 my personal best

00:00:26.940 --- 00:00:28.835
I had full confidence;

00:00:28.835 --- 00:00:30.575
I had the best training

00:00:30.575 --- 00:00:32.575
that is the main reasons for my result

00:00:48.840 --- 00:00:51.480
ይህ ውድድር ሲጀመር በጣም ፈጣን አልነበረም

00:00:51.480 --- 00:00:55.000
ግን የመጨረሻወቹ ሁለት ዙሮች ላይ አንቺ ከነፍሽ

00:00:55.400 --- 00:00:56.620
ያ ነበር እቅድሽ ?

00:01:08.024 --- 00:01:10.024
Well, since I know my own performance

00:01:10.024 --- 00:01:11.044
and I already knew the performance of all the athletes

00:01:11.044 --- 00:01:12.119
today is not the only time I've computed with them

00:01:12.119 --- 00:01:13.146
We have been in similar competitions in the past

00:01:13.488 --- 00:01:15.488
I already knew their performance

00:01:15.488 --- 00:01:18.468
That was the main reason I took off at the end of 2 laps

00:01:19.140 --- 00:01:21.480
I knew the don't have finishing records better than I have

00:01:21.970 --- 00:01:23.370
also I was running with full confidence

00:01:27.120 --- 00:01:38.000
Omitted ! not one to-one-interpretation (ትርጉሞ የተቀነሰና የተጨመረ ክፍል አለው)

00:01:38.520 --- 00:01:39.080
እንኳን ደስ አለሽ

00:01:39.100 --- 00:01:40.289
Thank you very much

Translation by 

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