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Thursday, September 24, 2015

ባለፈው በአይሲስ (ISIS) የተገደሉት የኢትዮጵያውያን እና የኤርትራውያን ትክክለኛ ቁጥር በአይን ምስክር ይፋ ሆነ ብዛታቸው 48 ነበር ተባለ

ባለፈው በአይሲስ (ISIS) የተገደሉት የኢትዮጵያውያን እና የኤርትራውያን ትክክለኛ ቁጥር በአይን ምስክር ይፋ ሆነ ብዛታቸው  48 ነበር ተባለ

In a desperate bid to seek a better life in Europe, thousands of refugees and migrants leave the shores of Libya and cross the perilous Mediterranean Sea every month. Over 2,000 people have died making the journey in 2015 alone.
The routes to and journey through Libya are also dangerous, however, and since the fall of Muammar Qaddafi in 2011, the country has struggled to achieve and maintain stability. Porous desert borders, rival fighters, and weak governance have left much of Libya in complete chaos.
With militias controlling large swathes of land, their attentions have turned to the people that cross their territories. The fighters assert they are bringing order to the country as they detain the refugees, yet these people's lives have become valuable commodities to the militias as they try to solidify their positions in the country.
VICE News secured exclusive access to a camp outside Tripoli, run by a militia that has seized hundreds of migrants. Food is scarce, dehydration and disease is rife, and control comes in the form of whips and warning shots. The militia claims to have the migrants' interests at heart, but what emerges is a very different story.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Government sets Al Amoudi’s royalties at just 5%

Government sets Al Amoudi’s royalties at just 5%

የኔ ከተማ ቢራ ቤት ጠላ ቤት ሆነ

የኔ ከተማ ቢራ ቤት ጠላ ቤት ሆነ
ነገሩ እንዲህ ነው። ያኔ ዱሮ ጠላ ጠላ እዬነበር ታስታወሳላችሁ። እንግዳ ሲመጣ በማንቆርቆሪያ ጠላ ግዙ ስንባል መጀመሪያ ቀምሰን ከዚያ ልክ እንቁላል እንደያዘ ዘንቢል ጠላው ተንቅንቆ እንዳይደፋ ቀስ ብለን ስንራምድ ያ ዛሬ አሜሪካ አገር ሳላስበው መጣ። በዚህ እኔ ባለሁበት ሰፈር ላይ መንገዱን ይዞ በቃ የተለቀቀ ቤት ሁሉ የቢራ መጥመቂያ ሆኗል። በእንግሊዘኛው አጠራር ማይክሮ ብርዎሪ  (Micro Brewery) የሚሏቸው ቤቶች በቃ በየቀኑ ብቅ ብቅ እያሉ  የትላልቅ የቢራ ፋብሪካዎችን ገበያ እየተሻሙ ነው። ብታምኑም ባታምኑም የነዚህን ጠላ ቤቶ (ቢራ ጠማቂዎች) ቢራ ከነገፈታው ፉት ለማለት አንዳንዴ ጠጪው አውቶቡስ ሙሉ ተከራይቶ ይመጣል። በተለይ ደግሞ ከኔ ጎን ያለው ቤት ለየት እና ሰፋ ያለ ነው። ከውጭ ሆኖ የቢራ መጥመቂያው ጋኖች ወለል ብለው ይታያሉ፣ በሳምንት አንድ ቀን ብቅል ሲጨመር ነው መሰል መንደሩ ሁሉ ልክ ብቅል ብቅል ይሸታል፣ በበርሚል በበርሚል ሆኖ የታሸገ አተላ ለመውሰድ የሚመጡ መኪኖች ድሮ አገሬ እያለሁ ለከብት ብለው የምንሸከመው አተላን አስታወሱኝ። ከዚህ ቢራ ቤት ቢራ ክፈትልኝ ሳይሆን ቅዳልኝ ነው። ልክ እንደ ድራፍት ቤት ቢራው እንደወረደ ይቀዳል። የተለለያዬ ቢራ ስላለ ብትንሽ በትንሹ መቅመስ ይቻላል። ሌላው እስከ ዛሬ አሜሪካ ያላዬሁት በፌርሙስ ፣ በጠርሙስ ወይም በማንቆርቆሪያ ቢራ ገዝተው ቤታቸው ለመጠጣት የሚገዙትን ሰውች ነው። በዚህ አገር ህግ መንገድ ላይ ቢራ ይዞ መዞር ስለማይቻል ሁሉም ከጠጣ በሗላ ወደ ቤቱ ይዞ ይሄዳል። ጨዋታው የደራ ሁሉም ደስተኛ ይመስላል። ልክ የ አገራችንን ጠላ ወይም ጠጅ ቤት ይመስላል። በነገራችን ላይ የነዚህን ቢራ ጠማቂዎች ስራ ለማስፋፋት የካሊፎርንያ መንግስት በጣም እገዛ እያደረገ ሲሆን በየቦታው የቢራ መቅመሻ ቦታዎች ሊዘጋጁ ነው። የቢራ መጥመቅ ባህል በጣም ተፈላጊነቱ እያዬለ በመምጣቱ በሳንድያጎ ከተማ የሚገኘው የሳንድያጎ ስቴት ዪኒቨርስቲ በማስተርስ ደረጃ የጠላ፨የቢራ መጥመቅ ዲግሪ እየሰጠ ነው። በነገራችን ላይ የቢራ መስሪያ ንጥረ ነገሮች ብታምኑም ባታምኑም ከጠላ ጋር በጣም ይመሳሰላሉ። በዚህ አጋጣሚ አዲሱ ትውልድ ምግቡና መጠጡ ማን እንደሚሳራው እና በውስጡ ምን ምን እንደሚጨመር ለማወቅ ስለሚፈልግ የትላልቅ ቢራ አምራቾችን ቢራ ከመጠጣት ይልቅ የነዚህን ቢራ መጠጣቱ ለጤንነት ይጠቅማል ብሎ ስላሰቡ መሰለኝ የትጭው ብዛት አይጣል ነው.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

ባቡሩ ስራውን ጀመረ

Sub-Saharan Africa’s first light rail system starts operations—you guessed it, in Ethiopia


THE country’s New Year was only marked on September 12, and it is already turning out to be a good one for Ethiopians—as scores queued up for hours Sunday to catch a ride on the first inaugural service of the Addis Metro—the country’s, and sub-Saharan Africa’s, first light rail system.

Construction of the much-anticipated 32-kilometre line in the capital city ended in January, and the $474 million project has been in testing since, in addition to sorting right of way concerns.

It is expected to carry 15,000 people per hour in one direction, meaning it could attain four times that in all directions, with a projected top speed of 70km/hr. Authorities hope it will make commuting easier for Addis Ababa’s population of nearly 4 million.

The green trams will from October operate on the city’s East-West route, while those coloured blue are now shuttling between north and south, daily from 0600hrs to 2200hrs. Even the tickets are colour-coded, depending on the distance to be travelled, and the price. Fares could range up to $0.5, which observers say reflects heavy government subsidies.

The rail tramcars rely on power supplied mainly from overhead wires, with authorities saying it would have its own dedicated grid, including four substations to supply 160MW of power.

Each of the 39 stations across the service have their own names, while a network of alleyways—including 12 escalators and 22 elevators, will direct commuters to the various railcars.

The transport system was built over three years by the China Railway Group Limited after the Ethiopian government secured 85% of funding from the Export-Import Bank of China.

China will also train the drivers and maintenance staff, while another Chinese company put together the power system.

Ethiopia, with a population of 94 million, is projected by the IMF to grow at 8% in 2015-16, the second-fastest pace on the continent. The Horn of Africa nation has drawn a lot of debate for the shape and speed of its ‘developmental state’.

Host of projects
It is home to host of infrastructure programmes, including highways and the 6,000MW Grand Renaissance dam, the world’s seventh- biggest hydropower plant. The state-led economy is increasingly opening up to foreign investment to build roads and railways, driving the robust growth.

The country will decide whether to issue a second Eurobond to fund infrastructure projects after parliament reconvenes this month, the Finance ministry said last week. In December, Ethiopia raised $1 billion in its debut sale of Eurobonds.

Last week the country was host to a delegation of American business scouting for opportunities—as part of the largest US government-led trade mission to Africa yet as the Barack Obama government seeks to cement bilateral ties.

READ: Rising from the ashes: 10 astonishing facts on Ethiopia’s turnaround, how it did it, and the unseen forces driving growth

Africa’s only other light rail systems are found in North Africa—including in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.

All abandoned

Nigeria is also working to get its Lagos Rail Mass Transit working amid delays following a missed September 2014 deadline, adding more pain to Africa’s most populous city.

At the beginning of the 19th century about 40 networks were in planning, but with the exception of Egypt, all were abandoned to make way for cars.

There are about 13 light rail networks in Africa, with two now in construction. Twenty kilometres of light rail are estimated by experts to create the equivalent of 4,000 jobs.

South Africa operates the higher capacity 80-km mass rapid Gautrain which was completed in June 2012.

Next month the South African city of Cape Town will host an annual African public transport meeting to take stock of trends and challenges in meeting the urban transport needs of the continent.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Breaking #Ethiopian News Sep 19/20 2015

Daily update September 20, 2015



Ethiopian movie gets a boost from French film industry
Ethiopia's first success at the Cannes Film Festival tells a simple tale, but its director has set his sights on the world stage after the movie received a ...
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Tadias Magazine

Ethiopia Successful in Preventing Al-Shabab's Attacks
Ethiopia Successful in Preventing Al-Shabab's Attacks ... A general view shows part of the capital Addis Ababa at night, Ethiopia, May 17, 2015.

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Mareeg Media

Ethiopia to become world's fastest-growing economy
Ageneral view of the Friendship City Center shopping mall in Ethiopia's Capital Addis Ababa May 26, 2014. (Photo Reuters/Tiksa Negeri)By suda ...
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Ethiopia: Al Jazeera “800 'Eritrea-Backed' Fighters Surrender”
Addis Ababa (HAN) September 19, 2015 – Public Diplomacy and Regional Security Initiative News. Hundreds of Ethiopian fighters have fled their ...
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Cape Fear soccer players help a teammate from Ethiopia
But McKenzie, his teammates at Cape Fear, and the entire school community, are trying to do their small part to help McKenzie's village in Ethiopia.
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Botswana to play Ethiopia in friendly
Gaborone, Sep 18 (IANS): Botswana's Zebras is scheduled to play Ethiopia in an international friendly match to mark the country's independence ...
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Somaliland:Mid-Level Government Officials to attend Joint Security Conference in Ethiopia
“The Jig-jiga conference will be centered on the relationship between Somaliland and Ethiopia regarding people to people relationship and the free ...
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Oman eyeing Ethiopian market for boosting non-oil exports
Muscat: Oman is seriously considering raising its non-oil exports to Ethiopia by holding a high-profile exhibition in the country, following a detailed ...
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IOM Help Vulnerable Ethiopian Migrants Stranded In South Sudan Return Home
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in South Sudan said it is assisting vulnerable Ethiopian Migrants stranded by the crisis in South ...
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UNPO: Oromo Diaspora Calls for BBC Afan Oromo Radio Programme
(UNPO) – In response to the BBC's decision to launch new services to Ethiopia and Eritrea, the Oromo people from across the world have begun a ...
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Friday, September 18, 2015

Ethiopia Today Sep 18, 2015


Daily update September 19, 2015


Voice of America

Cleveland American
Remembering Friend of Ethiopia Joan Kindell
Mrs. Kindell's first job in Ethiopia from 1958 to 1960 was at the library at Jimma University, which was then called the Jimma Agricultural Technical ...
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Sudan Tribune
Research: Ethiopia to become world's fastest-growing economy
September 17, 2015 (ADDIS ABABA) –A report released by a research project, said that Ethiopia is on course to become world's fastest growing ...
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Tadias Magazine
Ethiopia: Security Agent's Shocking Murder of Woman at Addis Ababa Bar
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Agencies + DIPLOMAT.SO) – Twenty years old Solome Gulelat is shot to death in what observers say is a very shocking ...
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Botswana to play Ethiopia in friendly
Botswana's Zebras is scheduled to play Ethiopia in an international friendly match to mark the country's independence celebrations on September 30.
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Ghana Business News
A Welcome and Impressive Report On Ethiopia From the ODI
On Thursday (September 17), the South African paper, the Mail and Guardian expressed its surprise at "Ethiopia's truly astonishing progress".
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Ethiopia to produce autos for the first time
ADDIS ABABA, EthiopiaEthiopia is set to manufacture automobiles, as well as some military hardware, the head of the Ethiopian Power ...
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Ethio-China Partnership - Its Implication for European Development Policy
The government of Ethiopia is perceived by donors as being strongly committed to development and as one of those countries with the clearest ...
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Egyptian Ambassador Presents Credentials to Ministry
The newly appointed Egyptian Ambassador to Ethiopia, Ambassador Aboubakr Hefny, Thursday presented copies of his credentials to Foreign Affairs ...
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Ethiopia has made incredible progress in addressing poverty
Ethiopia has made tremendous progress in addressing poverty; this is according to Elizabeth Stuart, Team Leader for Sustainable Development Goals ...
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