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Saturday, February 4, 2017

Ethiopian visa quota to USA and Executive Order on Visas - Frequently Asked Questions

“ We have seen questions on Facebook about a quota system for Ethiopian visa applicants.
Last week, the President of the United States initiated a review of national security procedures which applies to visitors and potential immigrants from seven countries. Ethiopia is not among those seven countries and Ethiopian citizens are not addressed nor affected by the President’s executive order.
The U.S. Government remains committed to facilitating legitimate travel for international visitors. In fact, in 2016, the U.S. Embassy in Addis Ababa issued more than 18,000 non-immigrant visas, with the majority to Ethiopian applicants.
For more information on the recent Executive Order or on the application process for U.S. visas:   ”

Who is affected by the Executive Order? 
The Executive Order applies to all nationals of Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Iran, Somalia, Libya, and Yemen, unless they are applying for, or traveling on, A-1, A-2, G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4, NATO, or C-2 visas.

Does this apply to U.S. citizens? 
No.  U.S. citizens (including dual-nationals) are required to use their U.S. passport when entering and departing the United States.  They do not receive visas or enter the United States as a foreign national, so this Executive Order does not apply to them.

How long do you expect the provisions to be in place?  
The Executive Order imposes a 90-day entry bar for immigrant and nonimmigrant nationals of Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Iran, Somalia, Libya, and Yemen.  We will announce any other changes affecting travelers to the United States as soon as that information is available

I am a national of one of the seven countries included in the Executive Order and another country. Can I travel or obtain a visa?
Nationals of another country who are also nationals of one of the seven countries included in the Executive Order can obtain a visa in the passport of the other country and travel on that visa to the United States.

I will be traveling to another country and will have a brief layover in the United States. Will I be able to receive a transit (C-1) visa?
The E.O. suspends issuance of all visas, including C-1s, to nationals of the seven affected countries as of January 27, 2017. 

I'm a green card holder . Can I still enter the United States?
The Executive Order does not apply to the entry of Lawful Permanent Residents to the United States.

I’m an F-1 student/H-1B or L employee/J-1 scholar visiting home and my visa expired. Can I still get a new visa?
No. Nationals of the seven countries included in the Executive Order may neither be issued visas nor enter the United States under the Executive Order effective January 27, 2017. 

I have a valid U.S. visa. Will travel to these seven countries bar me from entering the U.S.?
If you are not a national of any of the seven countries included in the Executive Order and possess of a valid visa, the Executive Order does not bar your travel to the United States.  Please be aware that U.S. Customs and Border Protection retains sole authority to grant admission to the United States.
Are Special Immigrant Visas (SIV) exempt from the Executive Order?
The U.S. Government has determined that it is in the national interest to allow Iraqi SIV holders to continue to travel to the United States.
Iraqis who have already received valid SIVs may use them to travel to the United States, and our embassies and consulates overseas will continue to process and issue SIVs to applicants who are otherwise qualified.
At this time, the SIVs exception applies only to Iraqi nationals.

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