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Sunday, September 10, 2023

Yebbo: Your Vision, Your Progress, Your Future


Yebbo: Your Vision, Your Progress, Your Future

Yebbo Communication Network stands as a testament to your aspirations, your ambitions, and your dreams. With over 25 years of unwavering dedication and expertise, we've been your constant companion on the journey towards a technologically advanced Ethiopia.

When we embarked on this mission, our goal was clear - to ensure Ethiopia remained at the forefront of the digital age. We understood the urgency of bringing Ethiopian culture, language, religion, history, and heritage to the global stage. At that time, foreign voices dominated the narrative, leaving us with limited representation online.

Yebbo was born out of love for Ethiopia, a desire to repay the invaluable lessons imparted to us by our parents, often given without the opportunity for formal education. Our initial focus wasn't financial gain, but a commitment to our roots.

In those early years, we offered our services for free until 2002. Yet, the history and origins of Yebbo are often overlooked or exploited. Some have shamelessly capitalized on our hard-fought ideas and innovations for their own gain. But we stand resolute, with our legacy of groundbreaking achievements.

  • We pioneered the first Amharic keyboard.
  • Introduced the first online travel ticketing system in Ethiopia.
  • Created the first Ethiopian athletes' website.
  • Established the first Ethiopian business directory.
  • Initiated the first Ethiopian annual music award.
  • Launched the first Ethiopian restaurant directory in America.
  • Compiled the first directory of Ethiopian churches in America.
  • Actively participated in the first Nokia phone conversion project to Amharic.
  • Founded the first African language translation and software company.
  • These milestones are just a glimpse of our contributions to the Ethiopian landscape.

As technology advances, we evolve. What was once a challenge, like uploading photos to the internet 25 years ago, is now commonplace. We continue to be at the forefront of innovation, having played a pivotal role in the development of wireless video streaming technology.

Today, Yebbo is not just a relic of the past but a thriving entity, expanding its services, and embracing the latest in technology. We now offer over 75 services to our international clientele, categorized into five broad areas:

  1. Engineering and Design ( Expert software and website design.
  2. Language and Localization ( A vast network of language experts for translation and interpretation.
  3. Travel Agency (YebboTravel): Comprehensive travel services, including bookings and document processing.
  4. Tax Services (YebboTax): US government-licensed tax return services for individuals and small businesses.
  5. Printing and Advertising (YebboMedia): Crafting impactful advertising and promotional materials.

In addition to these, we provide fingerprinting, passport and visa photos, global shipping, and health insurance enrollment services, among others, all under one roof. We proudly call ourselves the 'One Stop Global Business Center,' where your time and money are valued, and your every need is met.

To discover the full spectrum of services and products we offer, please visit our website at or contact us at 619-255-5530. Join us on this incredible journey towards a brighter and more connected Ethiopia, where your dreams are our guiding force."

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