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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

የወሬ ጭምጭምታ ፓፍ ዳዲ ክሊፐር ቡድንን ሊገዛ ነው የሚባል ወሬ እየተናፈሰ ነው።

የወሬ ጭምጭምታ ፓፍ ዳዲ ክሊፐር ቡድንን ሊገዛ ነው የሚባል ወሬ እየተናፈሰ ነው። አፉ አላርፍ ብሎ እንደመጣለት ሲናገር ድምፁ ተቀድቶ ከባለቤትነት ምድር እንደ ውሻ የተባረረውን የቀድሞውን የክሊፕር የቅርጫት ኳስ ክለብ ባለቤት በመተካት ዘፋኙ፣ አዛጋጁ፣ ዲዛይነሩና የብዙ ንግዶች ባለቤት የሆነና የቅጥያ ስሙን እንደ ካልሲ የሚቀያዬረው የድሮው ፓፍ ዳዲ የዛሬው ምን እንደሆን አላስታውስም ለወደፊት ስሙ ሊቀየር  የሚችለው ግለሰብ ቡድኑን ሊገዛው ይችላል የሚሉት ወሬ እየተሰማ ነው።

በአንድ ጠማማ ቁጥር መጥፋት ምክንያት እህታችን አንድ ሚሊዮን ዶላር አጣች

ይህ በጣም የሚያናድድ ገጠመኝ ነው። አንዷ እህታችን ፋቅ ፋቅ ትጫወታለች የአሜሪካውን,  ከዚያ በ አንድ ዶላር ፲ ዶላር ታሸንፋለች። ዘጠኝ ዶላሩን ተቀብላ  በአንድ ዶላሩ  አንድ የካሊፎርንያ ሎተሪ ትገዛላች። ከዚያ ማታ ሄዳ እጣው ሲወጣ ስታይ 4  ቁጥሮች ሲመሳሰሉ አንዷ ጠማማ ቁጥር አሻፈረኝ ትላልች። ዚች ቁጥር የተነሳ አንድ ሚሊዮን ልታሽንፍ የንበረችው እህታችን $436 ተገላግላልች። ከባዶ ይሻላል 

"got 4 number's matched out of 5. if my five number was match without the mega number I will get $1 million dollar"

Breaking News! ኩዌት የአባይን ውሃ ልትገዛ ነው።

ውሃ ሒዎት ነው። ነዳጅ ሂዎት አይደለም። ቀመሩ እንዲህ ከሆነ
የውሃ ዋጋ ከነዳጅ ይበልጣል ከሆነ
አትዮጵያ  የባይን ውሃ ልትሸጥ ነው ከሆነ
ኩዌት የ አባይን ውሃ ልትገዛ ከሆነ
ኢትዮጵያ ታፍሶ የማያልቅ ነዳጅ አላት ማለት ነው
ግን ለሳውዲ አንሽጥም
ለተባበሩት አርብ ኤሜሬት እሺ
ባህሬን በጭራሽ
እህቶቻችንና ወንድሞቻችንን ያሰቃዬው አረብ ውሃችንን አይጠጣም!
Ethiopian President Mulatu Teshome met on Monday with Rashad Mustafa Shawa, chairperson of the Swiss water company Mai Resources International, to discuss the mechanisms of exporting his country's Nile water resources to Kuwait.
The Ethiopian News Agency reported that Kuwait wants to import 66 million gallons of water daily from Ethiopia.
Kuwaiti Ambassador to Ethiopia Rashed Al-Hajri said that importing water from Ethiopia would be easy because geographically it is close to the Middle East and the country has huge water resources.
A senior official who attended the meeting between Teshome and Shawa remarked that Ethiopia intends to support Kuwait's efforts to import its water, adding that this will ultimately reinforce investment and cooperation between the two countries.
The news agency also reported that the Swiss company, which focuses on increasing water supplies in countries that are in need, would start transferring the Ethiopian water after it receives all the necessary documents and licenses for the mission.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

ኢትዮጵያ ስደተኞች ካምፕ ያለችው እናቱ ናፍቃው ከካሊፎርንያ ወደ ሃዋይ በአውሮፕላን ጎማ ተደብቆ የሄደው የሶማሌው ወጣት ሂዎቱ ተረፈ::

 — The Somali woman lives in a stick hut covered by ragged blankets in this dusty refugee camp. It was here that her 15-year-old son wanted to travel on a perilous journey as a stowaway on a plane from California.
Ubah Mohammed Abdule hasn't seen her boy — who was hospitalized in Hawaii after landing there last week in the wheel well of a jetliner — for eight long years.
Clutching her black-and-white head covering, she wept Sunday as she stood before the flimsy shelter holding her meager possessions and spoke about her son, Yahya Abdi.
She was alarmed, she said, by the dangerous journey the teenager undertook. Those who stow away in plane wheel wells have little chance of surviving, and many who attempt it are Africans desperate for a better life in Europe or America.
Abdi had been unhappy in California and desperately missed his mother, according to those who know his family. So on April 20, he hopped a fence at San Jose International Airport and climbed into the wheel well of a jetliner bound for Hawaii. Somehow he survived the 5½-hour trip over the Pacific, despite extreme cold and low oxygen levels. He has not spoken publicly about the ordeal.
"I knew he was an intelligent boy who has strong affections for me. I also knew he always wanted to see me, but I know his father won't let them contact me at all," Abdule told an Associated Press reporter in this remote camp in eastern Ethiopia.
The boy had recently learned she was alive after being told by his father that she was dead, Abdule said. She said her ex-husband took Abdi and his two siblings to California without her knowledge and that she hadn't heard from them since 2006.
"He first took the children away from me to Sudan. Then he came back to Somalia and demanded my consent for him to take the children to the U.S. if I wanted a formal divorce. I was not OK with that and said no," Abdule said through tears. "Finally, he took all three of my children to the U.S. without my knowledge."
The boy's sister Najma Abdi said Monday that their birth mother was lying, and that the father didn't take the children away from her or mistreat them.
"I can't believe what she's doing," Najma Abdi told KPIX-TV. "She's lying, yeah, he never do that, my dad."
The boy's father Abdilahi Yusuf, said in a statement Sunday issued through a family spokesman in California that his son was "struggling adjusting to life" in America.
"Our situation was aggravated by our displacement in Africa for many years after fleeing our home country of Somalia because of war conditions. As a result, my son was not able to receive any formal education before we immigrated to the United States," the statement said.
Shedder Refugee Camp, in far eastern Ethiopia near the border with Somalia, is home to some 10,300 Somalis who fled their country because of Islamic militant violence. Most Somalis here are from minority groups who face persecution.
Abdule, 33, arrived in the camp in early 2010, after fleeing heavy fighting in the Somali capital, Mogadishu. She earns a small income selling vegetables in the camp market.
Late last year, an acquaintance at the camp, Uways Salad Jama, who had resettled in California was able to contact Abdi and his siblings with the news that their mother was alive and living in Shedder Camp, said a spokeswoman for the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, Fati Lejeune Kaba.
"The kids were very disappointed, and ended up in a fight with their father, and asked him to send them back to where their mother lived," Kaba told the AP by phone from Geneva. "The father still insisted that their mother had died."
"At that point, Yahya Abdi didn't believe that his mother had died, and that's when he resorted to do everything he can to go and find her."
Abdule was distraught after she learned of her son's ordeal from a friend who lives in the U.S., said Kibebew Abera, a camp official.
"She was panicked. With the support of our partners, we provided her with advice and consultation," he said.
Tears rolling down her cheeks, Abdule said she wants to leave the camp and reunite with her children and has asked the Ethiopian government and the U.N. refugee agency to help her do so.
"My son was silent but intelligent when he was with me. I know he concealed himself in a plane to see me," Abdule said.
The teen's father said he plans to fly to Hawaii soon to reunite with him and is "excited to bring him back home to his family in California." The family was "deeply concerned" when the boy went missing and was relieved to hear he was safe, Yusuf said.
Abdule said she hasn't been able to eat since learning of her son's misadventure. She said she has visions of her ex-husband not properly caring for their children.
"I prefer they be with me rather than live with a stepmother in the U.S.," said Abdule, who has two other children, an 8-year-old son and 5-year-old daughter, living with her in the camp.
Abdule may yet be able to reunite with her children in the U.S., U.N. officials said.
She has passed her first interview with the U.N. refugee agency's list of those who might qualify to immigrate to America, said a legal protection officer at the refugee camp, Abdlrasak Abas Omar. If she passes the next phase, he said, she could move to the U.S. in less than a year.
Associated Press Writer Edith M. Lederer at the United Nations contributed to this report.

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"በአፍ ይጠፉ" አለ ያገሬ ሰው። ለዘላለም ታግዷል! NBA bans Clippers owner Sterling for life

ለዘላለም ታግዷል! NBA bans Clippers owner Sterling for life
የማያወላውል ፍርድ የሉታል ይህን ነው።
"በአፍ ይጠፉ" አለ ያገሬ ሰው። የህ ዘረኛ ሽማግሌ አፉን ሲከፍት የልኩን አገኘ። ባለጌ! የህ ሲያንሰው ነው።  የቅርጫት ኳስ ሜዳው ላይ እንደ ኳስ ማንጠር ነበር።

 $2.5 Million (2.5 ሚሊዮን ዶላር) ቅጣት አከናነቡት::  ከሊፕርስ ስታዲዮም ድርሽ እንዳይል ሲነገርው ባስቸኳይ ክለቡ እንዲሽጥ ተወስኗል። ገንዝብ አለኝ ብሎ መዝናናት እአፍን መዘርጠጥ ቀረ። አይ አሜሪካ፣ ፍርድ ይሉታል ይህን ነው።

Monday, April 28, 2014

ቴዲ አፍሮ ግርማዊነትዎ Live concert from Addis

የሌለንን ነገር ለምን የለንም ብለን ከምናማርር ያለን በአገባቡ ብንጠቀም የት በደረስን (Video Must Watch) It will lit your day with joy

የሌለንን ነገር ለምን የለንም ብለን ከምናማርር ያለን በአገባቡ ብንጠቀም የት በደረስን (Video Must Watch) It will lit your day with joy. Oprah እንዳለችው This Will Shut Your Mouth. You Have To Watch This At Least Once