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Saturday, May 10, 2014

ጉዞ ወደ እናት አገር ከ20 ዓመት ቆይታ በኋላ

ጉዞ ወደ እናት አገር ከ20 ዓመት ቆይታ በኋላ. I hope you will do it one day. During my stay in Ethiopia I took more than 4000 pictures and several hurs of video. I will share it one by one. By the way I stayed only 20 days.

Mohammed Aman took gold by 0.8 Sec Win. Teddy Rocked Doha

Mohammed Aman took gold by 0.8 Sec Win. Teddy Rocked Doha
ቅመም በየቦ ዶት ካም

Friday, May 9, 2014

Ethiopian Airlines Cuts Fare by 40 percent To Support Tourism (ENA)

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - Ethiopian Airlines has cut 40 percent of its fare for travelers who come to Ethiopia in a bid to encourage tourism.

This was announced on May 8, 2014 by CEO of Ethiopian Airlines Tewolde Gebremariam at a press conference organized in collaboration with Ethiopian Tour Operators Associations and Ethiopian Hotels Association.

According to Tewolde, the challenges of Ethiopian tourism are competitive price, product development and provision of other services.

Therefore, we have to make sure that global standard services in transportation, tour guidance, hotel management, among other services, are delivered, he added.

The present discount in transportation fare is one way the airlines contributes to the national economic development, the CEO said, adding that stakeholders in tourism sector should also look at things from this angle.

CEO of Ethiopian Tourism Organization Solomon Tadesse on his part stated that the Ethiopian Airlines, among stakeholders has taken the first step to boost tourism and contribute to the national economy growth. This move would play a pivotal role in increasing the flow of tourists to Ethiopia, he pointed out.

The CEO indicated that even if Ethiopia is one of the best tourist destinations in the world, it has a long way to go in image building and standardized service provision.

Source: ENA

Abebe vs. Obama

Thursday, May 8, 2014

የአድያም ሰገድ እያሱ - Ethiopian History 101: Original Production

የአድያም ሰገድ እያሱ

አዲስ አበባ መኪና ያልገጨው እግረኛ አሜሪካ አይኑን ጨፍኖ መሄድ ይችላል።(video)

የገርማል እግረኛ መንገድ ማቋረጥ ሳይሆን መሽሎክሎክ ነው የያዘው።  አዲስ አበባ መኪና የነዳ የትም አለም ምንዳት የሚችል ሲሆን አዲስ አበባ መኪና ያልገጨው እግረኛ አሜሪካ አይኑን ጨፍኖ መሄድ ይችላል።

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

የዘጠና ሶስት (93) አመቷ ሴትዮ ፖሊስ ተኩሳ ልትገድል ስትል ፖሊስ ቀድሞ ገላገላት::

የዘጠና ሶስት  አመቷ ሴትዮ ፖሊስ ተኩሳ ልትገድል ስትል ፖሊስ ቀድሞ ገላገላት

አሁን በዚህ እድሜ ሽጉጥ የሚያዝበት ነው? መቋሚያና መቁጠሪያ ይዞ የምንኩስናውን ቆብ ጫን አድርጎ ሰኔ ጎለጎ ታንና ውዳሴ ማሪያምን መድገም ሲገባቸው የቴክሳሷ ቴክስ አሮጊት  ፖሊስ ተኩሰው ሊገሉ ሲል ለነፍሱ የፈራ ፖሊስ ተኩሶ ወሃ አደርጋቸው። አሁን ጥፋቱ የማነው ?
HEARNE, Texas (AP) — A 93-year-old Central Texas woman was fatally shot at her home by a police officer answering a call about a person with a gun, authorities said.
Pearlie Golden, a longtime resident of Hearne who was affectionately known to her neighbors as Ms. Sully, was shot Tuesday night, Robertson County District Attorney Coty Siegert said.
"She did have a gun. ... Now, what she was doing with it, that is the ultimate question," said Siegert.
The investigation is being handled by the Texas Rangers. Once the investigation is complete, the case will be presented to a grand jury, Siegert said.
City attorney Bryan Russ Jr. said the officer has been put on paid administrative leave as is standard protocol when an officer is involved in a shooting. "What we believe is that she was instructed to drop the weapon, that is my understanding," Russ said.
He could not comment any further because the investigation is ongoing.
Hearne is a town of about 4,500 people that's about 140 miles south of Dallas.

ለምን በወባ በሽታ ስው ይሞታል?

ለምን በወባ በሽታ ስው ይሞታል
አሜሪካዊይቷ ዶክተር (Dr. Terrie Taylor, a medical professor at Michigan State University, )አፍሪካ ውስጥ (Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Blantyre, Malawi.) ከሃያ አመት በላይ ስለ ወባ በሽታ  ህክምና ስታደርግ እና ስለ በሽታው ስታጠና ቆይታ እንሆ ወባ የያዘው ሰው ለምን እንደሚሞት አውቃለች። እንደ ዶክተሯ አገላለጥ በተለይ (cerebral malaria) ተብሎ የሚጠራው የወባ አይነት ህጻናትን ሲያጠቃ ቫይረሱ በወባ ትንኝ አማካኝነት ወደ ደም ስራቸው ተዋህዶ መጀመሪያ የሚያጠቃው አንጎላቸውን ሲሆን ከዚያ አንጎላቸው ያብጥና የሚሄድበት ቦታ ሲያጣ ከጭንቅላታቸው አጥንት ጋር የጣበቃል። ከዚያ የመተንፈሻ ቀዳዳዎች ሲለሚዘጉ ታማሚው አየር አጥቶ ይሞታል ማለት ነው። ታዲያ እንደ ዶክተሯ አነጋገር ህመምተኛው ላይ የጭንቅላት ቀዶ ጥገና ተደርጎ አንጎሉ መተንፍሻ ቢያገኝ ሂዎቱ ሊተርፍ ይችላል ነው። ወይም ለወደፊቱ ይህንን የአንጎል እብጠት መከላከያ የሚቀንስ ክኒን ሊሰራ ይችላል። አይገርምም። ይህ ግኝት የብዙ ሰው ሂዎትን ሊያተርፍ ይችላል።

Click here to listen the radio program 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

ብራዚል "ሰርገኛ መጣ በርበሬ ቀንጥሱ" ሆነች

ብራዚል "ሰርገኛ መጣ በርበሬ ቀንጥሱ ሆነች"

Is Brazil ready to play ‘host’ to the world?

 እኛም እኮ አናዘጋጅም ያልን ይህንን ፈርተን ነው።

ሶስት የግብፅ ሰላዮች ተያዙ

ሶስት የግብፅ ሰላዮች ተያዙ
GAMBELLA - The regional state government  of Gambella caught today 3 Egyptian nationals who penetrated to the the region via the war torn South Sudan in what the regional government of Ethiopia believed to be a spying mission to find information about the country's  Renaissance Dam. The the three men named as Yusuf Haj, Ismail Azizi and Hassan Garai were caught in separate locations of the region. 

Yusuf went to Abobo on a fake tourist pass to see the Abobo dam of the Abobo county (Woreda). The locals in Abobo worried about the suspicious activities he was making near the dam and that prompted his arrest by the local police. He was then transferred to the regional  administration in Gambella for further investigation and detentions.

The other two were caught at a bus station in Gambella trying to board a bus to Benshangul - Gumuz state without security passes. Benshangul-Gumuz near blue Nile is where the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is located.

Egypt and Ethiopia have been at odds over the construction of GERD. Egyptian government threatened to bomb the dam as they feel that if the dam becomes operational, it would compromise their fair share of the Nile water. Ethiopia however denied any impact the flow of water would do to Egypt. 

Moreover, South Sudan government recently signed a military agreement with Egyptian government. The agreement was received with too much skepticism by Addis Ababa who think that any deal by their neighbour with Egypt would invite an attack on the dam.

Last week, the South Sudanese rebels claimed to have captured 12 Egyptians in Jonglei who fought alongside the government of South Sudan.

Monday, May 5, 2014

ለወደፊት የሚመጣው ትውልድ አይናፋርና ጎባጣ ይሆናል:: ለምን? Watch this video

ለወደፊት የሚመጣው ትውልድ አይናፋርና ጎባጣ ይሆናል:: ለምን? Watch this video

ይህልም ኑሮ

Thursday, May 1, 2014

ህገ ወጥ ናችሁ የተባሉ 220 ኢትዮጵያዊያን ስደተኞች ከታንዛንያ ወደ አገራቸው ሊመለሱ ነው።

ህገ ወጥ ናችሁ የተባሉ 220 ኢትዮጵያዊያን ስደተኞች ከታንዛንያ ወደ አገራቸው ሊመለሱ ነው።
THE first batch of illegal immigrants from Ethiopia is ready for repatriation back to their home country following a one-week verification exercise that was conducted in six prisons in Coast, Iringa, Morogoro, Kilimanjaro and Tanga regions where they had been held.
Speaking in Dar es Salaam, the National Programming Officer at the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), Mr Charles Mkude, said the initiative to assist the illegal immigrants to return home follows the joint verification mission that was conducted by two teams formed by staff from IOM, immigration and prison officers and Ethiopian officials.
“As a result of the visits, a total number of 220 detainees, some of them minors when they were arrested, were verified and provided with travel documents and arrangements to travel back home,” said Mr Mkude.
He said that all of 220 detainees will be assisted by IOM to go back to Ethiopia in the next few weeks.
“We are much willing to assist IOM in this initiative; these immigrants live in adverse situations, they have no papers, they do not speak Kiswahili and are far away from their family and relatives,” Mr Mkude noted, adding that the government was hard pressed for funds to send them back home.
According to Mr Mkude, once back in Ethiopia, the returnees will be provided with assistance to facilitate their reintegration.
“This initiative has been possible thanks to the generous support of the governments of the United States, Bureau of Population and Refugees and Migration (PRM), to the “Addressing Irregular Migration Flows in Southern Africa” project.
Japan has supported the effort under the ‘’Voluntary Return Assistance to Migrants in Tanzania project,” Mr Mkude said.
In recent years, Tanzania has witnessed an increasing flow of irregular migrants from the Horn of Africa, especially Ethiopia and Somalia, who have been fleeing drought, economic deprivation, unemployment and conflict and try the southern route to look for a better life outside their own country.
However, Tanzania has become a transit corridor to Mozambique, Malawi and Zambia en route to South Africa and beyond.
As the country lacks specialised facilities to host irregular migrants, those who are caught are detained in prisons.

የኢትዮጵያ አዬር መንገድ በረራው ላይ ኢንተርኔት አገልግሎት መስጥት ሊጀምር ነው የሚል ዘገባ አለ።

የኢትዮጵያ አዬር መንገድ በረራው ላይ ኢንተርኔት አገልግሎት መስጥት ሊጀምር ነው የሚል ዘገባ አለ።ይበል ይበል ነው። ምንጮች እንደሚሉት በቅርቡ የኬንያ አዬር መንገድ ለእይታ ያበቃውን በ Boeing 777 ቦይንግ 777  ላይ የኢንተርኔት አገልግሎትን በመከተል የኢትዮጵያ አዬር መንገድ  ለረጅም እርቀት በረራዎች የኢንተር ኔት መስመር ለመክፈት ሃሳብ እንዳለው ምንጮች ይዘግባሉ። ለሁሉም የእንግሊዘኛውን ዜና ለተጨማሪ መ ርጃ ያንብቡ።

Ethiopian Airlines follows Kenya Airways in Midair connectivity

When Kenya Airways a few months ago launched their largest aircraft in the fleet, a 400 seat B777-300ER, one of the innovations on board was internet connectivity, which comes on when the aircraft flies at 10.000 feet and above.

During the demonstration flight did Kenya Airways’ marketing team on board show off how this will revolutionize travel as passengers can opt to remain connected and work, or else keep their friend informed on their position via social media postings
The next deliveries of yet more of these aircraft, and of course the arrival of the B787 Dreamliner, also equipped with inflight internet connectivity, will change the game in the air and it is of little surprise therefore that closest rival on the African continent, Ethiopian Airlines, is now taking a fresh look at adding this feature on their long haul fleet too, after previously opting out of it.

Information coming out of Addis Ababa has confirmed that the airline is now in talks with service providers and if the go ahead is received the entire B777 and B787 fleet will be progressively fitted and retrofitted with the system.

Talk about competition being good for the passengers – this clearly is a prime example where the innovation of one airline spurs another to come to level terms again.

Source : eTurboNews, Inc