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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

እረ እንደ አፍህ ያድርግልን!At this rate, Ethiopia will have to hold a Live Aid concert to feed us; CHRISTOPHER STEVENS reviews last night's TV ኢትዮጵያ በዚህ ፍጥነቷ የእንግሊዝን ህዝብ ለመመገብ ላይቭ ኤድ (Live Aid concert) የተባለውን ኮንሰርት ሳታደርግ አትቀርም ተባለ።

ምን እንዳዬ  አላውቅም ኢትዮጵያ በዚህ ፍጥነቷ የእንግሊዝን ህዝብ ለመመገብ ላይቭ ኤድ (Live Aid concert) የተባለውን ኮንሰርት ሳታደርግ አትቀርም ተባለ። የኔ ምኞት እግዜር አፍህ ያድርገው ነው።
Just when you think Britain’s national pride can’t be trampled any lower, trust C4 to devise a fresh degradation. 
It isn’t sufficient that England’s footballers produced the worst World Cup performance of a lifetime, playing like the sulky spoiled brats they are.
And it’s not enough that our chief home-grown hope at Wimbledon is actually a Scot, from a nation whose divorce lawyers are suing for separation and custody of all the deep-fried Mars Bars.
The final humiliation was delivered by pig farmer and presenter Jimmy Doherty, as he revealed on The World’s Best Diet (Chanel 4) that our addiction to junk food and fizzy drinks has left us with some of the worst dietary habits on the planet. People in Ethiopia eat far better.
It would serve us right if sub-Saharan Africa clubbed together to stage a charity concert, like the 1985 Live Aid shows to combat Ethiopian famine, and sent us a supertanker loaded with vegetables. In fact, that could do us a lot of good.
The traditional rural diet in East Africa consists of plantains, sweet potatoes, lentils and a fine grain called teff, which is fried to make injera, a crepe-like pancake.


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