Order #${order.id} -
// Load saved notification preferences (if any)
prefEmail.checked = localStorage.getItem('prefEmail') === 'true';
prefSMS.checked = localStorage.getItem('prefSMS') === 'true';
// Handle Save Preferences button
savePrefsBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
localStorage.setItem('prefEmail', prefEmail.checked);
localStorage.setItem('prefSMS', prefSMS.checked);
prefSavedMsg.style.display = 'inline';
setTimeout(() => {
prefSavedMsg.style.display = 'none';
}, 2000);
// Logout link: clear session and go to Home
logoutLink.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
window.location.href = "index.html";
/* Admin Dashboard Page */
if (pageId === "adminPage") {
const adminLoginSection = document.getElementById('adminLoginSection');
const adminPanelSection = document.getElementById('adminPanelSection');
const adminLoginForm = document.getElementById('adminLoginForm');
const adminUser = document.getElementById('adminUser');
const adminPass = document.getElementById('adminPass');
const adminLoginError = document.getElementById('adminLoginError');
const adminOrdersTable = document.getElementById('adminOrdersTable');
const adminLogoutLink = document.getElementById('adminLogoutLink');
let adminMsg = document.getElementById('adminMsg');
let adminMsgTimeout;
// Utility to display a temporary message
function showAdminMessage(text) {
adminMsg.textContent = text;
adminMsg.style.display = 'block';
// Hide after 3 seconds
if (adminMsgTimeout) clearTimeout(adminMsgTimeout);
adminMsgTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
adminMsg.style.display = 'none';
}, 3000);
// Render orders table rows for admin
function renderAdminTable() {
adminOrdersTable.innerHTML = "";
orders.forEach(order => {
// Build options for status select
let optionsHTML = "";
statusOptions.forEach(status => {
const selected = status === order.status ? "selected" : "";
optionsHTML += ``;
const rowHTML = `
adminOrdersTable.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', rowHTML);
// Attach event handlers for new buttons
const updateButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.updateBtn');
const notifyButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.notifyBtn');
updateButtons.forEach(btn => {
btn.addEventListener('click', function() {
const row = this.closest('tr');
const orderId = row.getAttribute('data-orderid');
const newStatus = row.querySelector('.status-select').value;
// Update the order status in our data
const order = findOrderById(orderId);
if (order) order.status = newStatus;
showAdminMessage(`Order #${orderId} updated to "${newStatus}".`);
notifyButtons.forEach(btn => {
btn.addEventListener('click', function() {
const row = this.closest('tr');
const orderId = row.getAttribute('data-orderid');
showAdminMessage(`Notification sent for Order #${orderId}.`);
// Check if admin already logged in
if (localStorage.getItem('adminLoggedIn') === 'true') {
adminLoginSection.style.display = 'none';
adminPanelSection.style.display = 'block';
adminLogoutLink.style.display = 'list-item';
// Admin login form handler
adminLoginForm.addEventListener('submit', (e) => {
const username = adminUser.value.trim();
const password = adminPass.value;
if (!username || !password) {
adminLoginError.textContent = "Please enter username and password.";
adminLoginError.style.display = 'block';
// Check hard-coded admin credentials (for demo purposes)
if (username === "admin" && password === "admin123") {
// Successful admin login
localStorage.setItem('adminLoggedIn', 'true');
adminLoginError.style.display = 'none';
adminLoginSection.style.display = 'none';
adminPanelSection.style.display = 'block';
adminLogoutLink.style.display = 'list-item';
} else {
// Invalid admin credentials
adminLoginError.textContent = "Incorrect credentials.";
adminLoginError.style.display = 'block';
// Admin logout
adminLogoutLink.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
Shop Amazon
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
// script.js - Main JavaScript for Order Tracking System
// Dummy order data (simulating a backend database)
const orders = [
{ id: "1001", customer: "Alice", item: "Laptop", status: "Completed", lastUpdate: "2025-03-18 14:00" },
{ id: "1002", customer: "Alice", item: "Smartphone", status: "In Progress", lastUpdate: "2025-03-19 11:20", etaSeconds: 10 },
{ id: "1003", customer: "Bob", item: "Headphones", status: "Pending", lastUpdate: "2025-03-19 09:15" },
{ id: "1004", customer: "Bob", item: "Camera", status: "Canceled", lastUpdate: "2025-03-18 16:30" }
// Status options for dropdowns
const statusOptions = ["Started", "In Progress", "Pending", "Completed", "Canceled"];
// Helper to find an order by ID
function findOrderById(id) {
return orders.find(order => order.id === id);
// Status-to-color mapping for badges
const statusColor = {
"Completed": "success", "Canceled": "danger",
"In Progress": "info", "Pending": "warning", "Started": "secondary"
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const pageId = document.body.id;
/* Home Page */
if (pageId === "homePage") {
const trackForm = document.getElementById('trackForm');
const orderInput = document.getElementById('orderInput');
const trackError = document.getElementById('trackError');
trackForm.addEventListener('submit', (e) => {
const orderId = orderInput.value.trim();
if (!orderId) {
// Show error if input is empty
trackError.style.display = 'block';
} else {
trackError.style.display = 'none';
// Go to Order Status page with query parameter for order ID
window.location.href = `order-status.html?order=${encodeURIComponent(orderId)}`;
/* Order Status Page */
if (pageId === "statusPage") {
const statusInfo = document.getElementById('statusInfo');
const statusError = document.getElementById('statusError');
const orderIdLabel = document.getElementById('orderIdLabel');
const orderStatusLabel = document.getElementById('orderStatusLabel');
const etaText = document.getElementById('etaText');
const etaValue = document.getElementById('etaValue');
const progressContainer = document.getElementById('progressContainer');
const progressBar = document.getElementById('progressBar');
const lastUpdatedText = document.getElementById('lastUpdatedText');
// Get order ID from URL query string
const params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
const orderId = params.get('order');
const order = orderId ? findOrderById(orderId) : null;
if (order) {
// Display order details
orderIdLabel.textContent = order.id;
orderStatusLabel.textContent = order.status;
// Apply color class to status text
if (statusColor[order.status]) {
lastUpdatedText.textContent = `Last updated: ${order.lastUpdate}`;
statusInfo.style.display = "block";
statusError.textContent = "";
// If the order is in progress, simulate real-time updates
if (order.status === "In Progress" && order.etaSeconds !== undefined) {
let remaining = order.etaSeconds;
etaValue.textContent = `${remaining} sec`;
etaText.style.display = "block";
progressContainer.style.display = "block";
progressBar.style.width = "0%";
const total = remaining;
const intervalId = setInterval(() => {
remaining -= 1;
if (remaining >= 0) {
// Update countdown and progress bar
etaValue.textContent = `${remaining} sec`;
const percent = ((total - remaining) / total) * 100;
progressBar.style.width = `${percent}%`;
if (remaining <= 0) {
// Mark order as completed after countdown finishes
orderStatusLabel.textContent = "Completed";
etaText.style.display = "none";
progressContainer.style.display = "none";
lastUpdatedText.textContent = `Last updated: just now`;
}, 1000);
} else {
// Invalid or missing order ID
statusInfo.style.display = "none";
statusError.textContent = orderId
? `Order #${orderId} not found. Please check the number and try again.`
: "No order number provided.";
/* Customer Login Page */
if (pageId === "loginPage") {
const loginForm = document.getElementById('loginForm');
const loginEmail = document.getElementById('loginEmail');
const loginPassword = document.getElementById('loginPassword');
const loginError = document.getElementById('loginError');
loginForm.addEventListener('submit', (e) => {
// Check HTML5 validation constraints
if (!loginForm.checkValidity()) {
const email = loginEmail.value.trim().toLowerCase();
const pass = loginPassword.value;
let validUser = false, userName = "";
// Demo credentials check (replace with server authentication in real app)
if (email === "alice@example.com" && pass === "alice123") {
validUser = true;
userName = "Alice";
} else if (email === "bob@example.com" && pass === "bob123") {
validUser = true;
userName = "Bob";
if (validUser) {
// Store user info in localStorage to simulate session
localStorage.setItem('userName', userName);
localStorage.setItem('userEmail', email);
// Redirect to user dashboard
window.location.href = "dashboard.html";
} else {
// Show error message
loginError.textContent = "Invalid email or password.";
loginError.style.display = 'block';
/* Customer Dashboard Page */
if (pageId === "dashboardPage") {
const userName = localStorage.getItem('userName');
const userEmail = localStorage.getItem('userEmail');
const userGreeting = document.getElementById('userGreeting');
const orderList = document.getElementById('orderList');
const prefEmail = document.getElementById('prefEmail');
const prefSMS = document.getElementById('prefSMS');
const savePrefsBtn = document.getElementById('savePrefsBtn');
const prefSavedMsg = document.getElementById('prefSavedMsg');
const logoutLink = document.getElementById('logoutLink');
// Redirect to login if not logged in
if (!userName) {
window.location.href = "login.html";
// Show welcome message
userGreeting.textContent = `Welcome, ${userName}!`;
// Populate orders list for this user
orderList.innerHTML = "";
const userOrders = orders.filter(o => o.customer === userName);
if (userOrders.length === 0) {
orderList.innerHTML = `No orders found. `;
} else {
userOrders.forEach(order => {
const li = document.createElement('li');
li.className = "list-group-item d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center";
// Determine badge color based on status
const badgeColor = statusColor[order.status] || "secondary";
li.innerHTML = `
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