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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Ethiopian starts daily schedule to Addis Ababa from London Heathrow

Ethiopian starts daily schedule to Addis Ababa from London Heathrow -
Ethiopian Airlines started daily flights from London Heathrow to Addis Ababa with the additional service departing London Heathrow on Tuesday evenings. The new departure mirrors the existing schedule with departure from London Heathrow at 21:00hrs arriving into the Ethiopian capital’s Bole International Airport at 07:00hrs the next day. The return route sees the aircraft departing Addis at 13:00hrs, arriving LHR at 19:00hrs.

Ethiopian CEO Mr. Tewolde Gebremariam, said: “We are pleased to now offer a daily service to our customers to and from London, one of our most important routes. This new addition to the schedule will enable our leisure and business clients to enjoy greater flexibility in selecting their flights aboard our technologically advanced Boeing 787 Dreamliner.”

With daily flights to and from London and daily services to 49 African destinations and very short connections through its Addis Ababa hub, Ethiopian offers the shortest total travel time to its valued customers.

New Ground Agent to support new services
Ethiopian Airlines has recently started working with a new ground handling company at London Heathrow, ASIG (Aircraft Service International Group), part of BBA Aviation, ahead of its move to the new Queen’s Terminal, along with other Star Alliance carriers on September 17. Last month also saw the addition of an eighth Dreamliner to the Ethiopian fleet which will support the growing network of routes Ethiopian Airlines offers. - See more at:

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

የኢትዮጵያ ቶክ ሾው። (Ethiopian Talk Shows)

የኢትዮጵያ ቶክ ሾው።

 በአሜሪካ የቶክ ሾው (Talk show)ታሪክ ውስጥ እንደ አብነት የሚጠቀሱት ጆኒ ካርሰን (Johnny Carson)  ኦፕራ ዊንፍሪ (Oprah Winfrey) እና አርሰኒዎ ሆል (Arsenio Hall)  ለሎችም ይገኙበታል። ሌሎች ቅጅዎች ናቸው። በተለይም ደግሞ የጆኒ ካርሰንን ዘይቤና ዜዴ ያልቀዳ የቶክ ሾው ፕሮግራም የለም። እነ ጄ ላኖ (Jay Leno)፣ ዴቪድ ሌተርማን (David Letterman)፣

ካርሰን ዴሊ (Carson Daly)፣ ሌሎችም ቅጅዎች ናቸው። የነሱ ሲገርመኝ የቅጂ ቅጂ አገሬ ላይ ብቅ አለ። እኔ ሳላዬው ቀርቼ ነው እንጂ ብዙ ጊዜ የሆነው ይመስለኛል ግን ልክ ሳያስፈቅዱ የስሩት የችኮላ ስራ ነው የሚመስለው። የኔ ጥያቄ ምነው እውቀቱና ብልሃቱ ሳያንሰን ዘው ብለን የሌሎችን መንቸፍ እናደርጋለን? ከሁሉ ያሳቀኝ አዘጋጁና እንግዶች የሚጠጡበት የሸሃይ ስኒ። ይገርማል፣ እኔ እንደሰማሁት የፈረንጆች ቶክ ሾው ለእንግዶች ማበረታቻ እንዲሆን ቆንጆ አልኮል ያደርጋል አሉ። አይን መግለጫ እንዲሆን። የኛወቹስ?  ጠጅ? የአበሻ አርቂ? ጠላ? ያንን ካደረጉ ኦሪጂናሌ ሆኑ ይባላል። ዘፋኞችም ሆናችሁ አርቲስቶች እባካችሁ እራሳችሁን ሁኑ።  ቅጂ ምንግዜም ቅጂ ነው። ባለቤቱ ሌላ ነው እና። ምክር ነው የታዬኝን እንዳታኮርፉ

ዛሬ የቡና ጭማቂ ጠጣሁ

ዛሬ የቡና ጭማቂ ጠጣሁ

እንዴት? ነገሩ እንዲህ ነው። በአለም ላይ የኢትዮጵያን ቡና  በመሸጥ የከበረው ስታርባክስ (Starbucks)  ብሎ ብሎ የቡና ጭማቂ መሸጥ ጀመረዋል። ሁላችሁም የምታስቡት ጭማቂው ላይ ቡና ጨምረው ነው። የምታስቡትም የጭማቂ ቀለም ቡናማ ወይም ደፍረስ ያለ ነው። ግን እኔ የጠጣሁት ብርቱካን ጭማቂ የሚመስል ቢጫ ነው። እንዴት ቡና ቡናማ እንጂ ማን ቢጫ አደረገው? የኔም ጥያቄ እሱ ነው። ግን ያው መጠዬቅ ነፃ ሰለሆን ጠይ ሁ። እንዲህም አሉ።
ጭማቂው የወጣው  ከ አረንጓዴው ቡና፣ ከጥሬው ካልተቆላው  ቡና ነው አሉኝ። ብሎ ብሎ የ አተርና የባቄላም ጭማቂ ሳይመጣ አይቀርም። 

Here is from their web site

All coffee starts as a green bean. Now there’s a reason to keep it that way. Green Coffee Extract is the star ingredient in new, thirst-quenching Starbucks Refresha™ beverages.

Freshly harvested green coffee beans are typically heated and roasted to bring out the signature dark colours and bold flavours coffee is famous for. But now, we’re using an innovative process to pull the naturally occurring caffeine from 100% green Arabica coffee beans before they are roasted.
The result is green coffee extract – Thirst quenching refreshment with caffeine, without the coffee taste.

ይህ ቪዲዮ ማዬት የሚችሉት ኑሮን ታግለው ለሚጥሉት ብቻ ነው::

ይህ ቪዲዮ ማዬት የሚችሉት ታግለው ኑሮን ማሸነፍ ለሚችሉት ብቻ ነው። ለሰነፎችና ባጭሩ ተስፋ ለሚቆርጡት አይደለም። ይህንን ቪዲዮ ካዩ በኋላ ለሚዎዱት ሰው፣ ኑሮውን ለ
ሸነፍ ደፋ ቀና ለሚል ሰው ያስተላልፉት። ተስፋ መቁረጥ ሃጥያት ነው።

ከደገፉ አይቀር እንዲህ ነው

ከደገፉ  አይቀር እንዲህ ነው፣ ችግሩ እሱ አይደለም ተቆራጩ ሰው ቢኖር እንኳ ልክ ሜሲን አስመስሎ የሚቆርጥ ፀጉር አስተካካይ ይገኛል ነው ወይ? የሜሲን ፎቶ ሳልሁ ብሎ የሞንስተር (monster) ፎቶ የሚቆርጥ ቆራጭ ሲያጌጡ ይመለጡ ነው የሚሆነ

Did you watch World Cup in your dream?

Well,  World Cup is an intense competition where the  entire world is watching  and sharing the same passion almost  for three weeks. As the filtering of teams is winding down also the increase of the   love of the game.

The whole ritual will be exciting, joyful as well as stressful. In most cases you will be in more deep emotional dilemma when you have your own national team is playing the game. The stress will reach to its pick until your favorite team or our own national team  eliminated from the game. But if the team is surviving the whole round and reaching to the final round you will be more  proud and stressful  the same time.

As more teams are eliminating and less team are advancing to the next competitions, also the number of fans increasing because they are switching their fan base once their team is eliminated  and switching  their support to  the remaining teams.

Specially in World Cup when your team is dropped from the game you just don't go, but grab a new favorite team and keep watching, That means at the first round there were fans for 40 nations, it goes down to 16 nations and 8 and 4 and  finally to 2 teams.That means at the end of the round,  the two finalists will share the entire world in to two parts.

During this whole ordeal, there will be a chance you may be watching the World Cup in your dream, do not be shy there will be millions of people dreaming  like you, but  few  fans may be dreaming not only watching the World Cup in their dream but they may dreaming when they are playing in the World Cup. That is Hi 5!   

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Summer Stage: Central Park NY, NY Saturday July 5th Door Open at 2:00 PM Free cover charge ኢትዮጵያዊነትን ከቴዲ አፍሮ ጋ በኒው ዮርክ እናክብር – መግቢያ ነፃ ነው

Summer Stage: Central Park NY, NY
Saturday July 5th
Door Open at 2:00 PM
Free cover charge

ኢትዮጵያዊነትን ከቴዲ አፍሮ ጋ በኒው ዮርክ እናክብር – መግቢያ ነፃ ነው
Ethiopian Selected as Official Carrier of 50th Anniversary Celebrations of the OAU-AU

እረ እንደ አፍህ ያድርግልን!At this rate, Ethiopia will have to hold a Live Aid concert to feed us; CHRISTOPHER STEVENS reviews last night's TV ኢትዮጵያ በዚህ ፍጥነቷ የእንግሊዝን ህዝብ ለመመገብ ላይቭ ኤድ (Live Aid concert) የተባለውን ኮንሰርት ሳታደርግ አትቀርም ተባለ።

ምን እንዳዬ  አላውቅም ኢትዮጵያ በዚህ ፍጥነቷ የእንግሊዝን ህዝብ ለመመገብ ላይቭ ኤድ (Live Aid concert) የተባለውን ኮንሰርት ሳታደርግ አትቀርም ተባለ። የኔ ምኞት እግዜር አፍህ ያድርገው ነው።
Just when you think Britain’s national pride can’t be trampled any lower, trust C4 to devise a fresh degradation. 
It isn’t sufficient that England’s footballers produced the worst World Cup performance of a lifetime, playing like the sulky spoiled brats they are.
And it’s not enough that our chief home-grown hope at Wimbledon is actually a Scot, from a nation whose divorce lawyers are suing for separation and custody of all the deep-fried Mars Bars.
The final humiliation was delivered by pig farmer and presenter Jimmy Doherty, as he revealed on The World’s Best Diet (Chanel 4) that our addiction to junk food and fizzy drinks has left us with some of the worst dietary habits on the planet. People in Ethiopia eat far better.
It would serve us right if sub-Saharan Africa clubbed together to stage a charity concert, like the 1985 Live Aid shows to combat Ethiopian famine, and sent us a supertanker loaded with vegetables. In fact, that could do us a lot of good.
The traditional rural diet in East Africa consists of plantains, sweet potatoes, lentils and a fine grain called teff, which is fried to make injera, a crepe-like pancake.


እረ ጉድ ፈላ!Cameroon Investigating Match-Fixing Accusations Against World Cup Team

RIO DE JANEIRO — Cameroon’s soccer federation announced late Monday that it would investigate its World Cup team for match fixing, paying particular attention to a heavy defeat by Croatia in the opening round.
Cameroon was among the worst teams at the World Cup, losing its three first-round matches by a combined score of 9-1 and fighting about its bonuses with its federation. It was eliminated before its final group game, a matchup against Brazil that FIFA’s top security official warned had drawn the association’s attention.

“Recent allegations of fraud around Cameroon 2014 FIFA World Cup three preliminary games, especially Cameroon vs. Croatia, as well of the ‘existence of seven bad apples [in our national team]’ do not reflect the values and principles promoted by our administration,” Cameroon’s federation, known as Fecafoot, said in a statement posted on its website.
Continue reading the main story
Related Coverage

A report by FIFA, soccer’s governing body, said a match-rigging syndicate infiltrated the sport’s upper reaches.
Rigged: Part 1 of a Two-Part Series: Fixed Soccer Matches Cast Shadow Over World CupMAY 31, 2014
A 2011 tournament in Antalya, Turkey, organized by the match-fixing syndicate, had near-empty stadiums.
Rigged: Second of Two Articles: Inside the Fixing: How a Gang Battered Soccer’s Frail IntegrityJUNE 1, 2014

“Though not yet contacted by FIFA in regards to this affair,” the statement continued, “our administration has already instructed its ethics committee to further investigate these accusations.”

Cameroon’s World Cup was by most measures a dismal experience. The team arrived in Brazil a day late after refusing to travel until it was paid its bonuses, in cash. It lost its opener to Mexico, 1-0, in a driving rainstorm, then was pummeled by Croatia, 4-0, in a game in which midfielder Alex Song was given a red card in the first half and one of his teammates attempted to head-butt another in the second.

The result became more suspicious after the German newsmagazine Der Spiegel reported that in a Facebook chat hours before the Cameroon-Croatia game, the notorious match fixer Wilson Raj Perumal had accurately predicted both the 4-0 score line and the first-half ejection of a Cameroon player. On Tuesday, Perumal, through his publisher, denied that he had predicted the score and the ejection.
Continue reading the main story
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53 minutes ago

As the sound of air hisses from a flat tire, so also the specter of corruption in world football is a distracting and disappointing...
Counter Measures
1 hour ago

The governing body of the sport in Africa is a Cameroonian, Isa Hayatou, who is a powerful ally of FIFA's president, Sepp Blatter?! We used...
2 hours ago

The nation of Cameroon is always ranked among the most corrupt nations on earth, with bribery being a necessity for conducting business on...

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“Some players behaved very badly,” Cameroon’s German coach, Volker Finke, said of his team’s effort. He added: “After such a result, we have to admit that it is a disgrace.”

That loss eliminated Cameroon even before its final group game, against Brazil. Since Brazil still needed a positive result from the match to win the group, and ease its path in the knockout stages, FIFA officials said they were closely monitoring the game in overseas gambling markets for suspicious betting patterns. Brazil won, 4-1.

FIFA, citing policy, refused to say whether it would conduct its own probe, saying it did not want to prejudice any possible investigation. “The integrity of the game is a top priority for FIFA, and as such we take any allegations of match manipulation very seriously,” a FIFA spokeswoman, Delia Fischer, said.

The involvement of Cameroon makes the issue a delicate one. The governing body for the sport in Africa, the Confederation of African Football, has been run since 1988 by a Cameroonian, Issa Hayatou. Hayatou is a powerful ally of FIFA’s president, Sepp Blatter, who is expected to run for re-election to another term next year.

Belgium vs United States

Belgium vs United States
today, 1:00 PM on ESPNRound of 16
Arena Fonte Nova, Salvador


የኦራጋዮ ፕሬዜዳንት ፊፋን ያሩጋውያን ጥርቅም ነው አሉት

በሉዊስ ሱሬስ መታገድ የተበሳጩት የኦራጋዩ ፕሬዘዳንት ፊፋን የ አሩጋዊያን ጥርቅም ነው ብለው በስድብ አጥረገረጉት

Uruguay's incensed President Jose Mujica has lambasted Fifa bosses as "sons of bitches" who meted out "fascist" treatment to striker Luis Suarez for biting an Italian defender at the World Cup.

President Mujica made the comment as he welcomed Uruguay's team back from the World Cup on Sunday, putting his hand over his mouth in mock horror at the expletive.

He also referred to Fifa's stiff penalty on Uruguay's star striker as "fascist," though he said that Suarez could have been sanctioned with a lesser sentence.

The President's comments reflect the angry mood in Uruguay, a small country that has won the World Cup twice.

Uruguay, playing without Suarez, was eliminated from the World Cup on Saturday with a loss to Colombia.