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Monday, May 4, 2015

Italian ships rescue nearly 6,800 migrants; baby born at sea: በስደት ላይ መርከብ ላይ የተወለደችውም ህጻን ተረፈች እልልል

በስደት ላይ መርከብ ላይ የተወለደችውም ህጻን ተረፈች

ROME (AP) — Italian rescue ships brought migrants by the thousands to the country's southern ports, including a baby born aboard a navy vessel, as crowded shelters in Sicily and on the mainland struggled Monday to find room for them.
Some politicians based in northern Italy, meanwhile, vowed that their regions wouldn't take in any of the Mediterranean Sea migrants. In a three-day period ending Sunday, 6,771 survivors were rescued in the seas north of Libya from overcrowded rubber dinghies and unseaworthy fishing boats sent out by smuggling rings, the Coast Guard reported Monday. Ten bodies were found Sunday on boats or in the sea.
Calm seas and mild temperatures fueled the spike in human trafficking — just like it did last month when nearly 6,000 migrants were rescued during a few days of good weather. Italy has not yet released the total number of migrant arrivals in April, but the relentless stream of migrants this year is on track to surpass the 170,000 rescued at sea by Italy in 2014.
The navy said a woman, in labor when rescued Sunday, gave birth to a girl aboard one of its patrol ships. Mother and daughter were fine and the patrol boat, carrying 654 migrants who were saved in four different rescue operations, headed to port.

Other rescuers had grim tasks. An Italian tugboat, among several commercial vessels saving migrants on Sunday, also recovered two corpses, the Navy said. The surge of arrivals set Italian port mayors and charity organizations scrambling to find beds for the migrants. Many migrants will seek asylum because of war or persecution and hope to reach relatives in northern Europe. But until their applications are processed, which could take months or longer, asylum-seekers are supposed to stay in Italy.
In Reggio Calabria, where 780 migrants disembarked in the "toe" of the Italian peninsula, priority was being given to keeping migrant families together, many of them in a gym, and 14 migrant babies were being given medical checkups at local hospitals. Around 540 other Reggio Calabria migrants were being taken to the Tuscany or Emilia Romagna regions in the north.
Interior Minister Angelino Alfano visited the Italian island of Sicily on Monday, conferring with local authorities wrestling with how to shelter the growing number of migrants. The Milan-based governor of Lombardy, meanwhile, vowed not to take in any more migrants.
"In a few days I will be in Rome. And I'll repeat to the interior minister that Lombardy has already done its part," Gov. Roberto Maroni was quoted by the Italian news agency ANSA as saying. "If there is any funding available, it should be spent on our citizens and not for clandestine" migrants.
An estimated 800 migrants drowned last month when their boat capsized off Libya with hundreds of them locked in the hold by smugglers. After that, the European Union held an emergency summit and agreed to contribute more boats and patrol aircraft to Mediterranean rescue efforts.
Charities in Italy have pitched in to give the migrants food, beds and a safe place to socialize. "We have to realize that emigration is a phenomenon Italy can't face alone," said the Rev. Antonio Pangallo, who runs the Caritas charity in Reggio Calabria. "My hope is that they (politicians) don't get interested in the problem only when we witness again — I hope not — another genocide in Mediterranean waters. Italy needs help."

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Digital Album in memory of an ISIS VICTIM (Ephrame Yemane)

Protest over alleged police brutality in Israel turns violent in Tel Aviv

Ethiopian Jews - source bbc  a 
Many people, including 20 police officers, were hurt in the demonstration   
Many protesters in Tel Aviv held their hands in the air to signify handcuffs 

Protest over alleged police brutality in Israel turns violent in Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv, Israel (CNN)A protest in Tel Aviv over alleged police mistreatment of Ethiopian Jews turned violent Sunday, resulting in 57 officers being injured, according to Israeli police.
Most of those injuries were minor, according to police, but one officer was described to be "moderately injured." Police say 12 protestors were injured. The extent of those injuries is not known.
The planned demonstration by the Ethiopian Jewish community -- incensed over a video gone viral that shows a uniformed Israel Defense Forces soldier of Ethiopian descent being assaulted by police -- had been peaceful for hours before things took a violent turn.
Authorities employed horses, water cannons and smoke to disperse the crowd in Rabin Square, where demonstrators had been chanting slogans such as "a violent cop should be in jail."
Forty-three protesters were arrested, according to Israeli police spokeswoman Luba Samri.
The Tel Aviv protest comes on the heels of a largely peaceful demonstration in Jerusalem on Thursday that drew more than 1,000 people.

Video sparked protest

The videotaped episode from April 26 was a tipping point for Ethiopian Jews, some 125,000 strong, who say they have long felt like second-class citizens since arriving in two waves of mass immigration in the 1980s and early 1990s.
The video shows the soldier, Damas Pakada, standing and holding a bicycle's handle bars when an officer approaches him and appears to forcefully turn him and the bike around toward the opposite direction. There is no sound, so it's unclear what either party said, but things escalated quickly. The officer charges and takes several swings, knocking Pakada to the ground. A second officer comes to assist before the soldier manages to break free.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a statement saying that "all claims will be looked into but there is no place for violence and such disturbances."
Netanyahu will meet with Pakada on Monday, as well as with leaders in the Ethiopian community, according to the statement.
One of the policemen in the video has since been fired, according to police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld.



Friday, May 1, 2015

ISIS Victmns identified ብርሃኑ ጌታነህ and አያልቅበት ስንታየሁ

አዲስ አበባ፣ ሚያዝያ 23፣ 2007(ኤፍ.ቢ.ሲ) በቅርቡ በሊቢያ ውስጥ በአሸባሪው አይ ኤስ በአሰቃቂ ሁኔታ የተገደሉ ኢተዮጵያውያን ማንነት በመለየት ላይ ይገኛል።
በዚህም መሰረት በርካታ የሟች ቤተሰቦች የልጆቻቸውን ሞት ተረድተው ሀዘን ተቀምጠዋል።
ቀደም ብሎ ኢያሱ ይኩኖአምላክ ፣ ባልቻ በለጠ እና ወጣት ብሩክ እና ሌሎች ሁለት ወጣቶች የጨርቆስ አካባቢ ነዋሪዎች የአይ ኤስ ሰለባ መሆናቸው ተለይተው ቤተሰቦቻቸው ሀዘን ላይ መሆናቸው ይታወሳል።

አያልቅበት ስንታየሁ
ጣቢያችን በጎንደር እና ነቀምት ከተሞችም የአሸባሪ ቡድኑ የግፍ ድርጊት ሰለባ የሆኑ ሌሎች ሁለት ቤተሰቦችን አናግሮ መዘገቡ ይታወሳል
አሁን ደግሞ አቧሬ እና ገርጂ አካበቢ ነዋሪ የነበሩ ሌሎች ወጣቶች በአይ ኤስ መገደላቸው ታውቋል።
ወጣቶቹ አያልቅበት ስንታየሁ እና ብርሃኑ ጌታነህ ይባላሉ።
አያልቅበት የ30 አመት ወጣትና ከሶስት አመት በፊት ወደ ሱዳን ያቀና ሲሆን፥ ከእናቱ ጋር ሲኖር የነበረ መሆኑን ከቤተሰቦቹ ተረድተናል።
ብርሃኑ ጌታነህ

አያልቅበት ስንታየሁ ብቸኛ ልጃቸው እንደነበርም እናቱ ተናግረዋል ።
ብርሃኑ ጌታነህ ደግሞ ባለትዳር እና በፎቶግራፉ ላይ እንደምንመለከተው የስምንት እና የአራት አመት ልጆች ያሉት ወጣት ነበር ።
በአዲስ አበባ አቧሬ አካባቢ ይኖር የነበር ሲሆን፥ ከአገር ከወጣ አራት ወር አልፎታል።
ባለቤቱ ብርቱካን ጌቱ ስትባል በአሁኑ ወቅት ባለቤቷን ማጣቷ ተደራራቢ ችግር ላይ እንደጣላት ገልፃለች።
በፍርድ አወቅ አጥቁዬ
ምንጭ፦: ፋና

Why your next food porn will come from Ethiopia (CNN)

Every week, Inside Africa takes its viewers on a journey across Africa, exploring the true diversity and depth of different cultures, countries and regions.

(CNN)Ethiopian food may still be a niche cuisine across the globe, but that might not be the case for long. From Washington, D.C. to London, Ethiopian restaurants are earning awards and accolades. Inside the country, the traditionally hearty cuisine is also being given a gourmet twist.

Scroll through the gallery below for an overview of some of the best Ethiopian fare, from traditional wots to fusion flare.

President Obama Meeting with Persecuted Journalists

ጋዜጠኛነት ክብር ያለው ስራ ነው። ጥሩ ጋዜጠኛ ማለት እውነትን የሚወድ ማለት ነው።  በእኔ እይታ ሁለት አይነት ጋዜጠኞች አሉ። እርስዎ ጋዜጠኛ ከሆኑ የትኛው ምድብ እንደሆኑ እራስዎን ይጥይቁ።  

ምድብ አንድ  እውነት አዳኝ ፥ ይህ ጋዜጠኛ ማለት ስራው እውነትን በገባችበት ገብቶ የሚያወጣ እውነተኛ ጋዜጠኛ ነው። ስራው በውሸት ቆሻሻ ተሸፍና መተንፈሻ አጥታ በወሸት ጭቃ ተለውሳ የተደበቀችውን እውነት አድኖ፣ አጥቦ አጽድቶ ወልውሎ ለእይታ ያበቃታል። አንዳንዴም እውነትን ለማጋነን ትንሽ ጌጥ ጣል ጣል ያደርግባታል። ያ ማስፋት ይባላል  
ሁለተኛው ጋዜጠኛ ደግሞ እውነት ገዳይ ውሸት  አዳኝ፥ የዚህ ጋዜጠኛ ስራ እውነተን በውሸት ቆሻሻ እንዳትታይ መደበቅ ነው። ስራው ሁሉ እውነትን በውሸት ተራራ ሸፍኖ ለእይታ እንዳትበቃ ማድረግ ብቻ ነው። ስራው ህዝብን ማደናገር፣ እርስ በርሱ ማናከስ፣ አንዱን በውሸት አሞክሾ ሌላውን የውሸት ጭቃ መቀባት ነው። ታዲያ በጋዚጠኝነት ሙያ የተሰማሩ ወይም የሚሰማሩ ከሆን እርስዎ ስራዎ እውነትን አድኖ ለንባብ ማብቃት ወይስ እውነትን ገድሎ ውሸትን ማወደስ?

ጋዜጠኛነት ክብር ያለው ስራ ነው። ጥሩ ጋዜጠኛ ማለት እውነትን የሚወድ ማለት ነው።

ጋዜጠኛነት ክብር ያለው ስራ ነው። ጥሩ ጋዜጠኛ ማለት እውነትን የሚወድ ማለት ነው። 
በእኔ እይታ ሁለት አይነት ጋዜጠኞች አሉ። እርስዎ ጋዜጠኛ ከሆኑ የትኛው ምድብ እንደሆኑ እራስዎን ይጥይቁ።

ምድብ አንድ  እውነት አዳኝ ፥ ይህ ጋዜጠኛ ማለት ስራው እውነትን በገባችበት ገብቶ የሚያወጣ እውነተኛ ጋዜጠኛ ነው። ስራው በውሸት ቆሻሻ ተሸፍና መተንፈሻ አጥታ በወሸት ጭቃ ተለውሳ የተደበቀችውን እውነት አድኖ፣ አጥቦ አጽድቶ ወልውሎ ለእይታ ያበቃታል። አንዳንዴም እውነትን ለማጋነን ትንሽ ጌጥ ጣል ጣል ያደርግባታል። ያ ማስፋት ይባላል

ሁለተኛው ጋዜጠኛ ደግሞ እውነት ገዳይ ውሸት  አዳኝ
፥ የዚህ ጋዜጠኛ ስራ እውነተን በውሸት ቆሻሻ እንዳትታይ መደበቅ ነው። ስራው ሁሉ እውነትን በውሸት ተራራ ሸፍኖ ለእይታ እንዳትበቃ ማድረግ ብቻ ነው። ስራው ህዝብን ማደናገር፣ እርስ በርሱ ማናከስ፣ አንዱን በውሸት አሞክሾ ሌላውን የውሸት ጭቃ መቀባት ነው።

ታዲያ በጋዚጠኝነት ሙያ የተሰማሩ ወይም የሚሰማሩ ከሆን እርስዎ ስራዎ እውነትን አድኖ ለንባብ ማብቃት ወይስ እውነትን ገድሎ ውሸትን ማወደስ?