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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Top Players of WORLD CUP: የናይጀሪያው ግብ ጠባቂ ብዙ ጎሎችን በማዳን አንደኛ ወጥቷል

 የናይጀሪያው ግብ ጠባቂ ቬንሴት ኢንያ ማ (Vincent ENYEAMA) ብዙ ጎሎችን በማዳን አንደኛ ሲወጣ የብራዚሉ ኔይማር (NEYMAR) ደግሞ ብዙ ጎሎችን በማስቆጠር አንደኛ ወጥቷል ::

ማሳስቢያ፥ይህ ደረጃ የሚያሳዬው እስክ ዛሬ ድርስ ያለውን አሃዝ እንጂ የአለም ዋንጫ ሲፈፀም የተለየ ደረጃ ሊሆን ይችላል
ምንጭ :ፊፋ

Top Scorer

  • 11Shots
  • 4Goals scored

Top runner

  • 36687 m Distance covere

Player with the most passes completed

  • 92.3%Passes Completion Rate
  • 215Total Passes
  • Short 5.6 %
  • Medium 73.5 %
  • Long 20.9 %

 Top saves

  • 8Saves
  • 0Goals Conceded
100 %Save Rate




Brazil vs Chile

Sat, Jun 28, 9:00 AM on ABCRound of 16

Estádio Mineirão, Belo Horizonte

Chile national football team
  1. The Chile national football team represents Chile in all major international football competitions and is controlled by the Federación de Fútbol de Chile which was established in 1895. The team is commonly referred to as La Roja. Wikipedia

  2. Founded: 1895

Italy vs Uruguay

Italy vs Uruguay

Diego Godín (Uruguay) Goal - Header at 81'

Monday, June 23, 2014

Joke of the day! Missing husband

Joke of the day! Missing husband

Woman: I lost my husband
Inspector: What is his height
Woman:I never noticed
Inspector::Slim or healthy
Woman:Not slim can be healthy
Inspector: Colour of eyes
Woman:: Never noticed
Inspector:: Colour of hair
Woman:Should be black
Inspector:: What was he wearing
Woman: I dont remember exactly
Inspector: Was somebody with him??
Woman: Yes my Labrador dog (Romeo), tied with a gold chain, height about 30 inches,
healthy, blue eyes, blackish brown hair, his left foot thumb nail is slightly broken,
he never barks, wearing golden belt studded with blue balls, he likes non veg food,
we eat together, we jog together.
(the woman started crying)
Inspector:: Lets search for the dog first !!!

ወይ አቶ ሳምቡሳ in Americaወይ አቶ ሳምቡሳ
ሳምቡሳ መነሻው የት እንደሆን አላውቅም። አረብ አገር፣ ህንድ ወይስ ከኛው አገር ኢትዮጵያ? ግን ከአሜሪካ እንዳልሆነ አውቃለሁ። ሳምቡሳ ስለምወድ የሳምቡሳን ፌስ ቡክ ባለቤት አድሪጌዋለሁ። ግን ዛሬ ከአቶ ሳምቡሳ ጋር አጋጣሚ ተገናኘን።ቦታውም አሜሪካ ውስጥ የሚገኘው ሱፕር ማርኬት ነበር:: ሳምቡሳ መልኩን አሳምሮ፣ አድጎና ሰፍቶ አንድ ሳህን አክሎ  ከምግብ ማሳያ መስታውቱ  (display box) ውስጥ ቁጭ ብሎ አይኑን ሲያጉረጠረጥ አይን ለአይን ተጋጨን። ወይ አቶ ሳምቡሳ? እኔም መስመሬን ጠብቄ ተራይን ሊደርስ  አንድ ሰው ሲቀር  ከፊቴ ያለው ሰው አቶ ሳምቡሳን አዝዞት ቁጭ። እኔም አፌን መያዝ ተስኖኝ ልክ ጠፍቶ የተገኘ ዘመዴን ያየሁ ይመስል  ሂሳብ ተቀባዩን(Cashier)  ሳንቡሳውን ለደንበኛው ከተቀመጠበት ሊያዎጣ ሲል ቀድም ብዬ
"ያ የምታወጣው ምግብ ስሙ ምንድን ነው?" አልሁት
ሰውየውም ኮራ ብሎ " ሳርቡሳ/Sarbosa" አለኝ
እኔም ክው አልሁ:: የኔን ስም አወላግደውም መጥራሩ አንሶ ደግሞ ሳምቡሳንም ያወላግዱት???ሰውየው ሳርቡሳ ያለው የኔውን ሳምቡሳ ነው። "የእኔ ስሜ ይጣመም" ብየ ሰውየውን  ትክክለኛ ስሙን ነገርሁት
ሰውየውም " ተሳስቼ ኖሯል? Did I pronounced wrong? " ሲለኝ
በተራዬ "አዎ ግጥም አድርገህ" አልሁት
ከዚያም የሚገዛው ፈረንጅ በሁኔታው ግራ ተጋብቶ
"አዎ ይህ ህንድ አገር የታወቀ ነው::" አለ
ባይገርማችሁ ወደ አምስት የሚሆን ገዝቷል። የኔም ጥያቄ ማለቂያ የለው። ለዚያ ገንዘብ ተቀባይ ትልቁን ጥያቄ ወርወር አደረግሁለት
ጥያቄውም "እናንተ ነው የስራችሁት? Do you guys prepared it?"
ሰውየውም እንደ ማፈር ብሎ  "አይ በረዶ ሆኖ ከሌላ ቦታ ነው የሚመጣው: It came as frozen from another place"  አለ
እኔም ልክ የማውቀው ሰው በረዶ ውስጥ በብርድ የተተዎ ሁሉ ፊቴ በሃዘን ተሞልቶ  "ምን?" አልሁት
ሰውየውም የፊቴን መለወጥ አዬ መሰለኝ
"ምንው ደህና አለኝ? Are you ok?"
እኔም ደህና ነኝ አልሁትና አከታትዬም እኔ ይህንን ሁሌ የኢትዮጵያ ምግብ ቤት ትኩሱን እበላለሁ አልሁት
እሱም  "ከሄት ነህ? Where are you from"  ሲለኝ አፌን ሞልቼ "ከኢትዮጵያ  Ethiopia" አልሁትና የት ትኩስ ሳምቡሳ እንደሚያገኝ ነገርሁት
ወይ አቶ ሳምቡሳ ምን አጠፋህ እስኪ በረዶ ውስጥ የሚያስቀምጡህ? ያንተስ ያንተ ነው ከአቶ እንጀራ ጋርም እንዲሁ እንዳንገናኝ። የዛኔ ምድር ቁና ትሆናለች። ከሁሉም ከሁሉም በቻይና የተሰራ (Made in China) እንጀራ ከሆነ::

መልካም ዜና: የሱዳን መንግስት በስቅላት ልትቀጣ የነበረችዋን ማሪያምን በነፃ ለቀቀ

የሱዳን መንግስት በስቅላት ልትቀጣ የነበረችዋን ማሪያምን በነፃ ለቀቀ

KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP) — A Sudanese woman on death row for apostasy had her sentence canceled and was ordered released by a Khartoum court on Monday, the country's official news agency reported.
SUNA said the Court of Cassation canceled the death sentence against 27-year-old Meriam Ibrahim after defense lawyers presented their case. The court ordered her release.

Ibrahim, whose father was Muslim but who was raised by her Christian mother, was convicted of apostasy for marrying a Christian. Sudan's penal code criminalizes the conversion of Muslims to other religions, a crime punishable by death.

Ibrahim married a Christian man from southern Sudan in a church ceremony in 2011. As in many Muslim nations, Muslim women in Sudan are prohibited from marrying non-Muslims, though Muslim men can marry outside their faith.

Ibrahim has a son, 18-month-old Martin, who was living with her in jail, where she gave birth to a second child last month, local media reported. By law, children must follow their father's religion.

The sentence drew international condemnation, with Amnesty International calling it "abhorrent." The U.S. State Department said it was "deeply disturbed" by the sentence and called on the Sudanese government to respect religious freedoms.

Sudan introduced Islamic Shariah law in the early 1980s under the rule of autocrat Jaafar Nimeiri, a move that contributed to the resumption of an insurgency in the mostly animist and Christian south of Sudan. The south seceded in 2011 to become the world's newest nation, South Sudan.

Sudanese President Omar Bashir, an Islamist who seized power in a 1989 military coup, has said his country will implement Islam more strictly now that the non-Muslim south is gone.

A number of Sudanese have been convicted of apostasy in recent years, but they all escaped execution by recanting their new faith.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

የግብጿ ጋዜጠኛ በአባይ ግድብ የተነሳ ከስራ ተባረረች

An Egyptian broadcaster has been suspended for arguing with Ethiopia's ambassador to Cairo during a live TV phone-in about Addis Ababa's ongoing Nile dam project.

On Wednesday, Rania Badawy, a talk show host on the privately-owned Tahrir satellite channel, got into a heated argument with Ethiopian envoy Mahmoud Dardir over the Grand Renaissance Dam, a multi-billion hydroelectric dam that has been a source of contention between the two countries for over a year.

Near the end of the six-minute-long call, Badawy asked the envoy if Addis Ababa insisted on pressing forward with the dam's construction in its current form and capacity, which Egypt fears will harm its share of the Nile's water.

The ambassador replied: "You do not understand about dams and are talking in a bumptious tone."

Badawy then angrily told the ambassador he had "crossed his limits" and that he should not "characterise [her] talk or speak to [her] about arrogance". She then thanked him and abruptly ended the call, as his voice trailed off in an attempt to reply.

The head of the TV station, Mohamed Khedr, told Al-Ahram's Arabic news website on Sunday that the move to suspend Badawy came amid his channel's "sense of responsibility," adding that the management was revamping the programme map ahead of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan – which should fall on 29 June.

In comments carried by state news agency MENA earlier in June, Ethiopia's Foreign Minister Tedros Adhanom – on a visit to Cairo at the time – criticised local media for sending "very negative messages, sometimes systematically, that create a feeling of rejection" between the people of both nations. The senior diplomat, however, said that Addis Ababa and Cairo were looking forward to a "new era" of mutual ties.

Almost 10 days ago, the same station suspended another female broadcaster who made light of mob sexual assaults against women in Cairo's Tahrir Square during celebrations for President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi's inauguration earlier this month.

Khedr said Sunday that the suspended anchorwoman, Maha Bahnasy, would return to the airwaves after Ramadan.

የደጋፊዎች ዋንጫ ቢሰጥ ወይም ቢኖር የጃፓን ደጋፊዎች አንደኛ ይወጡ ነበር

የደጋፊዎች ዋንጫ ቢሰጥ ወይም ቢኖር የጃፓን ደጋፊዎች አንደኛ ይወጡ ነበር ዳሩ ምን ያደርጋል የለም።
በዘንድሮው የአለም ዋንጫ ጃፓን ብራዚል ተገኝታለች ባለፈው ሳምንት የጃፓን ቡድን ኮትዲቫር ጋር ሲጫወት ጃፓን ትሸነፋለች። የጃፓን ደጋፊዎች ግን በመሸነፋቸው ሳይነጫነጩ ያልታሰበ ነገር አደረጉ። ሌላው አገር ቢሆን በመሸነፉ አንዱ መኪና መስበር ሌላው ጎማ ማቃጠል ሌላም ማድርግ ሲሆን የጃፓን ደጋፊዎች ግነ ቡድናቸውን ለመደገፈ ይዘውት የነበረውን ሰሚያዊ ፊኛ ጥቅም ላይ አዋሉት። እስታዲዮሙን ቆንጆ አድርገው አፆድተው አስረከቡ። እኛ እናደርገው ይሆን? እረ እንዳንዋሽ። ደቡን አፍሪካ ላይ ምን ተፈጠረ? ዝም ነው ሌላ ሰው እንዳይሰማ

ያበሻ ቀጠሮ and World Cup

ያበሻ ቀጠሮ and World Cup

ያበሻ ቀጠሮ ማለት ሁለት ወይም ሶስት ሰዓት ከቀጠሮው መዝግየት ነው። ግን ማን እና መቼ ተጀመረ ?  እኔ እንደሚመስለኝ የተጀመረው ድሮ ሰዎች ሰዓትን በፀሃይ ጥላ ሲቆጥሩ ነው ።የናንተን አላውቅም እንጂ የገሬ ሰው ሰዓትን የሚቆጥረው በፀሐይና በዶሮ ነው። በውድቅት ማለት ለምሳሌ በጣም በሌሊት ሲሆን ዶሮ ሳይጮህ ደግሞ ሳይጋ ሲሆን ጀንበር ስትጠልቅ ማለት ወደ ማታ ሊሆን ሲል ሲሆን ጅብ ሳይጮህ ደግሞ ያው በጣም ሲመሽ ነው። ያም እንደየ ዋራቱ እና ወቅቱ ሊቀያየር እንደሚችል ዘንግተን ነው። ለምሳሌ የክረምት እና የበጋ ፀሐይ አንድ አይሆኑም እና። በሳይንሱ መሰረት ነው። የክንድ ሰዓት መጥቶ ሃብታሞች ወይም ትልልቆች/ ባላ ስራዎች ሲጠቀሙ ደግሞ ሰዓትን ለጌጥ እንጂ ለሰራ የሚጠቀመው ብዙም አይደል። በድሮ ጊዜ ኑሮ በጣም ይጣፍጥ ነበር። ሁሌ እረፍት ሁሌ ጨዋታ ስለነበር ለስዓር ብዙም ግድ አልነበረውም ። ዛሬ ግን ያው ኑሮ ባከና ስለሆን ሁሉም በሰዓት ሳይሆን በደቂቃ,  በደቂቃ ሳይሆን በሰከንድ መባከን ሆኗል። ልብ ብላችሁ ብታዩ እኛ ለምሳሌ በአለም አቀፍ ደረጃም ቢሆን የምናሸንፈው ሰፋ ያለ ጊዜ የሚጠይቀውን ማራቶንን (Marathon)ነው። ጊዜን በጣም መጠቀም በጣም እንፈራለን። ምክንያቱም መጣደፍ ወይም ችኩል ነው ብለን ስለምናምን ነው። አንድ ሰው ለምሳሌ ቶሎ ቶሎ ከተናገረ ለፍላፊ,  በጣም ሮጥ እሮጥ ካለ ደግሞ  ከውካዋ ብለን ስንጠራው ቀርፋፋውን ደግሞ እረጋ ያለ እያልን እናሞክሸዋለን። ግን አለማችን ዝግምተኛ ሳይሆን ከውካዋ እዬሆነች፣ እኛንም ነፍሳችንን ከውካዋ  እያደረገችው ነው። ለምሳሌ የእትዮጵያ ቡና ተጠጥቶ እስክሚያከትም ፫  ሰዓት ሲወስድ የአሜሪካው ኩባንያ Starbucks  (ባይኔ ያዬሁትን ነው) በሶስት ደቂቃ ሶስት ሰው ያስተናግዳል። ይህም ማለት በአንድ ሰዓት ከ60 ሰው በላይ ማለት ነው። ይገርማል። ሌላው የሰዓት ጥቅም የታወቀው በዚህ በስፖርት አለም ነው። ሰከንድም ሰው ሆና ሰውን ታራውጠው ጀመር። ዛረ የአሜሪካ (Team USA) ቡድን እኩል ለኩል የወጣው  ባለቀ ጊዜ ነው። ታዲያ ያች ደቂቃ ታሪክ ሰራች።  ጥያቄው እኛስ መቼ ነው? የአበሻ ቀጠሮ አቁመን የዘመኑን ቀጠሮ የምንጀመረው? እስኪ ዛሬውኑ ቀጠሮ ይያዙና ያሰው የሚድርስበትን ጊዜ ይመዝግቡ። በሰዓቱ ከደረሰ ሽልማት ስጡት።የሽልማቱን ነገር እራሳችሁ አሰላስሉት ግን የፈረንጅ ቀጠሮ አትበሉት።ለፈረንጅ ማን ሰጠው? ኤዲያ...

Group G Standing. Where are Germany, USA, Ghana and Portugal ?

Group G Standing  Where are Germany, USA, Ghana and Portugal ?

USA Scored a Freezing Goal


Tim Howard: Man of the day

Timothy Matthew "Tim" Howard (born March 6, 1979) is an American soccer player who plays as a goalkeeper for English club Everton and the United States national team.

Howard started his career with the North Jersey Imperials before making a move to the MetroStars. His appearances soon attracted the attention of Manchester United, who signed him in 2003. He enjoyed relative success with them as they won the 2003 FA Community Shield, the 2003–04 FA Cup and the 2005–06 League Cup. However, after United signed Edwin van der Sar, Howard went out on loan to Everton to play more first-team football and eventually signed permanently with them in February 2007. On January 4, 2012, Howard scored a goal, his first as a professional, against Bolton Wanderers. This made him only the fourth goalkeeper to score a goal in a Premier League match.[2]

Howard first represented the United States national team in 2002 and was an unused substitute for the 2006 World Cup. He later established himself as first-choice and started all of the United States' games at the 2010 World Cup as they reached the Round of 16.

He has a reputation for playing through the pain barrier. In September 2007 he accepted a call-up from the United States for a friendly against Brazil, and after an hour of the game his finger was dislocated in a collision. In March 2013, during an FA Cup game against Oldham Athletic he broke two bones in his back. In both incidents, he continued playing until the final whistle.