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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Ethiopian Airlines to commence service to New York’s JFK Airport by June

Ethiopian Airlines, the largest and most profitable airline in Africa, is pleased to announce that preparations are being finalized to launch service to New York’s JFK airport by the end of June.
Ethiopian suspended flights to Newark in 2004 to provide nonstop service from Washington to Addis Ababa, with connections to its network in East, Central and Southern Africa. Ethiopian’s network will once again provide a vital link between New York and Africa with this new service.
Flights from Addis Ababa to JFK will depart Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday mornings, and will return from JFK to Addis Ababa the same evening. Flights will make an intermediate stop in Lomé, home base for Ethiopian Airline’s partner ASKY Airlines, in both directions
Passengers from New York will enjoy faster flight options to a variety of cities with this new flight.
  • There will be three weekly one-stop flights between New York and Addis Ababa, headquarters of the African Union and capital of one of the fastest growing economies in the world.
  • There will be connectivity beyond Addis Ababa to and from major economic and tourist destinations in East, Southern and Central Africa and the Middle East, including Nairobi, Entebbe, Dar es Salaam, Kigali, Khartoum, Jeddah, and Riyadh.
  • There will be connectivity between New York and many cities in West Africa with Ethiopian’s partner ASKY Airlines, via Lomé, including Lagos, Abidjan, Dakar, Libreville, Douala, N’djamena, Kinshasa, Bamako, Conakry, Ouagadougou, and Niamey
Ethiopian will be deploying the most modern aircraft in the world on this flight, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, which not only offers unparalleled on board comfort to passengers, but is also the world’s most environmentally friendly aircraft with its lower fuel usage and noise emissions. Ethiopian’s Boeing 787 Dreamliner is configured with 24 business class and 246 economy seats, all of which are equipped with on-demand video monitors featuring a variety of entertainment options.
Group CEO of Ethiopian Airlines, Mr. Tewolde GebreMariam, remarked, “We are thrilled to resume our service to New York, our fourth destination in the Americas. New York is one of the world’s most economically powerful cities and including it in our ever expanding network will play a critical role in the expansion of trade, tourism and investment between the fast growing continent of Africa and the United States. I would like to thank all who strived hard to make the route possible.”
Ethiopian is a global, as well as a Pan-African, carrier serving more than 92 international destinations across 5 continents and operating the youngest fleet in Africa with less than the industry average age of 5 years. The airline is expanding to new destinations, and in the past year has introduced service to Tokyo, Manila, Dublin, Los Angeles, Cape Town, Durban, Gaborone, Yaoundé, and Goma.
About Ethiopian
Ethiopian Airlines (Ethiopian) is the fastest growing Airline in Africa. In its seven decades of operations, Ethiopian has become one of the continent’s leading carriers, unrivalled in efficiency and operational success.
Ethiopian commands the lion share of the pan-African passenger and cargo network operating the youngest and most modern fleet to more than 92 international destinations across five continents. Ethiopian fleet includes ultra-modern and environmentally friendly aircraft such as the Boeing 787, Boeing 777-300ER, Boeing 777-200LR, Boeing 777-200 Freighter, Bombardier Q-400 double cabin with an average fleet age of five years. In fact, Ethiopian is the first airline in Africa to own and operate these aircraft.
Ethiopian is currently implementing a 15-year strategic plan called Vision 2025 that will see it become the leading aviation group in Africa with seven business centers: Ethiopian Domestic and Regional Airline; Ethiopian International Passenger Airline; Ethiopian Cargo; Ethiopian MRO; Ethiopian Aviation Academy; Ethiopian In-flight Catering Services; and Ethiopian Ground Service. Ethiopian is a multi-award winning airline registering an average growth of 25% in the past seven years.
Source: Ethiopian airlines Press Release

New Ethiopian Movie VIDA (ቪዳ አዲስ ፊልም ) Full 2016

Afajechin Full አፋጀችን አዲስ ፊልም

የሰማይ ፈገግታ ሙሉ ፊል

የሰማይ ፈገግታ ሙሉ ፊል

የሰማይ ፈገግታ ሙሉ ፊልም

ሀርየት - Haryet Ethiopian Full Amharic Move Free

Shaft in Africa. የአቶ ደበበ እሸቱ ፊልም

Saturday, December 26, 2015

2016 NEW AMHARIC MOIVE : ወደ ሀገረ ቤት Deported

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Italia, in piedi!/Italy, standing! MORE SONGS

Italia, in piedi!
Words: Cap. Alfredo De Biasio Music: Dino Olivieri
canzone marcia
O Italia chiusa fra le Alpi e il Mare,
terra d’artisti, martiri ed eroi,
l’Europa e i vili tentan soffocar
la tua possanza ed affamare noi,
devoti figli, poiché l’Anglia vuole
toglierci il posto che ci spetta al sole.

Italia in piedi, bandiere al vento,
comanda il Duce con ferreo accento;
tutti i tuoi figli son stretti a te,
in un sol fato ed in una fe’!

Italia è Roma e noi romanamente
figli d’Italia pugneremo, nessuno
pensi piegarci senza e duramente
aver prima molto combattuto,
resisteremo per la tua gloria
o madre Italia fino alla vittoria.

Se occorre il ferro noi daremo i letti,
se occorre l’oro noi darem le fedi,
se occorre il sangue offriremo i petti,
tutto daremo per te, Italia in piedi,
e vinceremo poiché oggi, o Albione,
tutta l’Italia è Decima Legione.

Italia in piedi, ancor non doma
è la vittoria, figlia di Roma,
tutti i tuoi figli son stretti a te,
pronti a morire per il nostro Re.


Italy, standing!
Words: Cap. Alfredo De Blasio Music: Dino Olivieri
march song
Or Italy closed between the Alps and the Sea,
land of artists, martyrs and heroes,
Europe and the cowardly Tentan choke
your might, and starve us,
devoted children, since the Anglia wants
deprive us our rightful place in the sun.

Italian standing, waving flags,
controls the Duce with steely emphasis;
all your children are close to you,
in a sulfate and a fe '!

Italy is Rome and us in Roman
children of Italian pugneremo, nobody
think hard and acquiesce without
We are having first hard-fought,
We resist for your glory
mother or Italy to victory.

If necessary we will give the iron beds,
if you need the gold we darem faiths,
if you need the blood offer the breasts,
we will give everything to you, Italian standing,
and we will win because today, or Albion,
across Italy's Tenth Legion.

Italian standing, not yet tamed
is victory, daughter of Rome,
all your children are close to you,
ready to die for our King

Cara mamma/Dear mother


 Cara mamma

Words: C. Bruno Music: Eldo Di Lazzaro
canzone tango
Là nel deserto sterminato
sotto la luna, bianco, appar…
come un villaggio addormentato
l'accampamento militar.

Ma in una tenda più avanzata
un volontario veglia ancor…
pensa alla mamma sua adorata
e pieno d'ansia scrive allor:

Mamma, cogli occhi in pianto t'ho lasciata…
mamma, io son felice… Son soldato!
e se alla sera
più non mi vedi a te vicino
non piangerai perchè il figlio tuo quaggiù
[non pensera che a te!…

E mentre l'alba si avvicina
lui veglia e intanto sogna ancor…
la sua casetta, l'officina, e forse un piccolo tesor…

…Suona l'allarme in lontananza:
ogni soldato è pronto già…
(Tra poche ore già avanza!..)
Ei scrive allor con ansietà:

Mamma, è giunta l'ora più desiata…
comincia alfine l'avanzata!
S'io non tornassi, non maledire il mio destino
sul campo del'onor io morirò così… col nome tuo nel cuor!

Sola, in una rustica casetta…
la mamma prega con una lettera alla mano:
“O Madonnina, Tu, fa che ritorni ancor il figlio mio quaggiù„. 


">Dear mother
Words: C. Bruno Music: Eldo Di Lazzaro
tango song
There, in the boundless desertunder the moon, white, appar a sleeping villagethe military camp.
But in a tent more advanceda voluntary vigil even ...He thinks of his beloved motherand filled with anxiety allor writes:
Mother, tears in his eyes left thee ...Mom, I'm happy ... I am a soldier!and in the evening,most do not see me close to younot weep because your son down here[Not gonna think that to you! ...
And as dawn approacheshe is dreaming and waking even ...his house, workshop, and perhaps a small treasure ...
... The alarm sounds in the distance:every soldier is ready already ...(In a few hours already advancing ..)And he writes allor with anxiety:
Mom, it's time Desiata more ...It begins at last the advance!If I do not come back, do not curse my fatefield del'onor so ... I will die with your name in the dead!
Alone, in a rustic log cabin ...Mom prays with a letter in hand:"O Virgin Mary, You, is that even return my son down here"

Cantate di legionari/Sing of legionnaires SONGS

Cantate di legionari

Words: Auro D'Alba Music: Francesco Pellegrino
canzone marcia
Ce ne fregammo un dì della galera,
ce ne fregammo della brutta morte
per preparare questa gente forte
che se ne frega adesso di morir.
Il mondo sa che la Camicia Nera
s’indossa per combattere e patir.

Duce! Per il Duce e per l’Impero
eja, eja, alalà! Alalà! Alalà!

I morti che lasciammo a Passo Uarieu
sono i pilastri del romano impero.
Gronda di sangue il gagliardetto nero
che contro l’amba il barbaro inchiodò.
Sui morti che lasciammo a Passo Uarieu
la croce di Giuliani sfolgorò.

“Ma la mitragliatrice non la lascio!”
gridò ferito il legionario al Passo.
Colava sangue sul conteso sasso
il costato che a Cristo somigliò.
“Ma la mitragliatrice non la lascio!”.
E l’arma bella a un tratto lo lasciò.

È allegro avere tutto il mondo addosso,
sentirsi in petto questo orgoglio atroce.
Siamo i più lesti a trasformarci in croce
noi, bersaglieri della nuova età.
È bello avere tutto il mondo addosso
finché giustizia il Duce non farà.

In testa è il “Primo Gruppo d’Eritrea”,
“Ventotto Ottobre”, poi “Ventitré Marzo”.
“Primo Febbraio” è un cuore solo e un balzo
in marcia dal Mareb allo Scirè.
In testa è il “Primo Gruppo d’Eritrea”:
ognuno contro venti nel Tembien.

Ci sta nei ranghi l’anima di Berta
e ci comanda un Principe Savoia,
implacabili a morte, mondo boia,
qualcuno prima o poi l’ha da scontar.
Ci sta nei ranghi l’anima di Berta:
la sventolammo sull’Amba Aradam.

Fummo noi della “Tre Gennaio” i primi
a dare il colpo all’Amba tormentata.
Ad Amba Alagi ce l’abbiam piantata
noi “Sesto Gruppo” l’asta per metà.
Fummo noi della “Tre Gennaio” i primi
a dare il colpo a Ras Mulughietà.

Aspettiamo il nemico per freddarlo
col ferro noi “Ventuno Aprile”: noi
se abbiamo il volto duro degli eroi
siam gli squadristi di Selaclacà.
Aspettiamo il nemico per freddarlo
alla romana: ferro e volontà.

Anche stroncati eccoci in marcia, pronti
a misurarci con qualunque pelle
noi della “Sesta”. Che brusio di stelle
a Mogadiscio quando si sbarcò!
Ma le ferite sono le più belle
che l’Italia del Duce ci donò.

L’abbiamo alfine la nostra ferita
anche noi: vi guardiamo bene in faccia
veterani del Carso, e andremo a caccia
insieme, a caccia grossa nel Setit.
Ci siam buscata la nostra ferita
anche noi fra i tucul ed i ghebì.

Veniamo dal vallone della morte,
forestali d’inferno allo sbaraglio,
un colpo di moschetto uno di taglio,
ad ogni colpo un ceffo nero viene giù.
Veniamo dal vallone della morte:
ci abbiamo ragionato a tu per tu.

Nomi belli d’amanti han le conquiste
del volontario: Amba Aradam – Scirè.
Quante sciarpe di seta abbiamo viste
su Amba Alagi Uorcamba Tzellerè!
Nomi belli d’amanti han le conquiste
del legionario: Amba Aradam – Scirè.

De Bono salda un conto, uno Graziani:
col barbaro faremo la “burgutta”.
O Marescialli, la vogliamo tutta
questa terra di schiavi liberar!
Una botta Badoglio, una Graziani.
Starace pianta l’asta su Gondar.

Riappare sotto il cielo di Galliano
il teschio bianco della “Disperata”:
fra Ciano ed i Mussolini che pestata
di negri, che pasticcio di tribù!
Riarde sotto il cielo di Toselli
la fiamma o Duce che accendesti tu.

I conti vecchi son belli e saldati
ma la partita non è chiusa ancora.
Quella che sorgerà è la nostra aurora,
quella ch’è sorta non ci piace più.
I conti vecchi son belli e saldati:
ci manca qualche Ras Nasibù.

Povero Nasibù, tutto vestito
a festa col suo tragico Pascià!
Tu ci mancavi ed eccoti servito…
Oh, le batoste sulla via di Harrar!
Povero Nasibù, tutto vestito
a festa col suo tragico Pascià!

Duce che hai al popolo l’Impero
noi col lavoro lo feconderemo,
col vecchio mondo diventato scemo
ci sono sempre conti da saldar.
Duce che hai dato al popolo l’Impero,
siamo pronti per te a ricominciar. 

Sing of legionnaires
Words: Auro D'Alba Music: Francesco Pellegrino
march song
There fregammo a day of jail,there fregammo of ugly deathto prepare these people strongwho cares now to die.The world knows that the Black ShirtIt is worn to fight and suffer.
Duce! For the Duce and the Empireeja, eja, Alala! Alala! Alala!
The dead who left in Step Uarieuare the pillars of the Roman Empire.Drips with blood the black pennantthat against the Barbarian pinned amba.The dead left in Step Uarieuthe cross of Giuliani flashed.
"But the gun does not leave!"She cried the wounded Legionnaires Passo.Blood dripped on the disputed rockHis side that resembled Christ."But do not let the machine gun."And the weapon beautiful suddenly left him.
It is joyful to have the world on him,feeling in his chest this atrocious pride.We are the most quick to transform the crossus, sharpshooters of the new age.It's nice to have the whole world on himJustice until the Duce will not do.
At the head is the "First Group of Eritrea""Twenty-eight October", then "Twenty-three in March.""First February" is a heart and a leapmarching from Mareb to the Shire.At the head is the "First Group of Eritrea"each against winds in Tembien.
There is blood in the ranks of Bertaand commands us a Prince Savoy,implacable death, world Executioner,sooner or later someone has to scontar.There is blood in the ranks of Berta:the waved sull'Amba Aradam.
We were the "Three in January," the firstto give the coup all'Amba tormented.At Amba Alagi angry we have plantedwe "Sixth Group" auction for half.We were the "Three in January," the firstto give the shot in Ras Mulugheta.
We expect the enemy to freddarloiron us with "Twenty-April": usif we face tough heroessiam squads of Selaclaca.We expect the enemy to freddarlothe Roman and iron will.
Even here we are cut off on the march, readyto measure ourselves against any skinwe of the "Sixth". That buzz of starsMogadishu when they landed!But the wounds are the most beautifulthat Italy's Duce gave us.
We finally our injurytoo: we look straight in the faceveterans of the Carso, and we will hunttogether, to hunt big game in Setit.There we are buscata our woundedwe also between tukul and Ghebbi.
We come from the valley of death,forest of hell into the fray,a musket one cutting,at each stroke a black mug comes down.We come from the valley of death:There we reasoned face to face.
Names beautiful lovers han achievementsVolunteer: Amba Aradam - Shire.How many silk scarves have seenAmba Alagi Uorcamba Tzellerè!Names beautiful lovers han achievementsLegionnaires: Amba Aradam - Shire.
De Bono firm accounts, one Graziani:we will do with the Barbarian "burgutta".Or Marshals, we want the wholethis land to liberate slaves!A blow Badoglio, a Graziani.Starace plant auction of Gondar.
Reappears in the sky of Gallianothe white skull of the "Desperate"between Ciano and Mussolini that poundedAfricans who mess of the tribe!Riarde under the sky of ToselliDuce who kindled the flame or you.
The old accounts are beautiful and weldedbut the game is not closed yet.One that will rise is our dawn,which we are not the kind we like more.The old accounts are beautiful and welded:we miss some Ras Nasibu.
Poor Nasibu, all dressedto feast with his tragic Pasha!You missed you and you've got those ...Oh, the setbacks on the road to Harrar!Poor Nasibu, all dressedto feast with his tragic Pasha!
Duce you to the people of the Empirewe work with the feconderemo,with the old world became stupidThere are always bills to saldar.Duce that you gave to the people of the Empire,we are ready for you to ricominciar.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Songs for Ethiopia by Italy in war time.. የዛሬው ቆይታዬ ከጣልያኑ ጋር

የዛሬው ቆይታዬ ከጣልያኑ ጋር።

ነገሩ የተከሰተው  በአጋጣሚ ነው። የእሁድ ጠዋት ፀሀይን ለመሞቅ ወደ መናፈሻው  ጎራ ስል አንድ እድሜው ወደ 80 አምት የሚጠጋ ሽማግሌ (ነጭ) ውሻውን  ይዞ  ከተፍ አለ። ምንም ፋታ ሳይሰጠኝ ተዋወቀኝ። ስሜንም ጠየቀኝ፣  ስሜ ትንሽ ግር ሲለው የዬት አገር ስም ነው አለኝ እኔም ያው የማማ ኢትዮጵያ ብቸኛው አቻ የሌለው ስም ነው አልሁት። እኔም ብድሬን ለመመልስ ይመስላል በተራየ ከሄት ነው የመጣሀው አልሁት።  ነጭ ቢመስልም አነገገሩ ትንሽ ያዝ ስለሚያደርገው የአሜሪካ ሰላቶ እንዳልሆነ ያስታውቃል። ስውየውም ሰምቼው የማላውቀው የአገር ስም ጠራልኝ። እኔም ግራ ተጋብቼ  “ የት ነው ?” አልሁት ሰውየውም ከጣልያን ነኝ አለኝ፣ እኔም ግራ ተጋብቼ ታዲያ ለምንድን ነው ከዚያ ሰምቼው ከማላውቀው አገር ነህ ያልኸኝ ሰለው አይ እኔ እኮ ያልሁህ በጣሊያንኛ  ገምት ነው ያልሁ ብሎኝ ፈገግ አደረገኝ።

ቀጥሎም ለመሆኑ ስንት አመትህ ነው አለኝ። እድሜየን ነገርሁት። የእሱን እድሜ ግን ብን ካለው ፀጉሩና ከተጨማደደው ቆዳው መገመት ሰለማያዳግት እድሜውን አልጠየቅ ሁትም ። ወደ ሰማንያው ሳይጠጋ አይቀርም።  ከዚያ “ይህንን ሙዚቃ ታውቀዋለህ?”  አለኝና ትንሽ በጣልያንኛ ተቀኘልኝ። እኔም የትም ሰምቼው አላውቅም ስለው
“ አወ ልጅ ልሆን ትችላለህ”  ብሎ ስለ ሙዚቃው አወጋኝ።

እንደነገረኝ ሙዚቃው የጣልያን ወታደሮች ኢትዮጵያን ሊወጉ ሲነሱ  ህዝቡና ወታደሮች የሚዝፍኑት አነቃቂ ዘፈን ነበር። ይገርማል። እኔም ምኔ  ሞኝ ነው ስውዬውን“ ምን ይል ነበር እስኪ በእንግሊዘኛ ንገረኝ ” ስለው ይህን አለኝ።

“ሙዚቃው የሚለው” አለ፣“ የአቢሲንያን  ጥቁር ፊት በጣልያን ፊት ተካው ነው አለኝ።”  “ ምን?” አልሁት።
አወ የጣልያን ታላቁ ህልም ኢትዮጵያን ቀምቶ ህዝቧን ጨርሶ በጣልያን ብቻ ለመሙላት ነበር:: እኔም እባብን የልቡን አይቶ በሆዶ አስተኛው እንደሚባለው የጣልያንንም ከይሲ ሴራ አይቶ ፈጣሪ በአጭሩ አነሳቸው። እኔም ምኔ ሞኝ። ያ ሽማግሌ ጣልያን ልክ ሮም ላይ አብርሃም ደቦጭና ሞገስ አስግዶም ያደርጉትን አስታወሳኝ። ፊቴ ፈካ ብሎ “ታዲያ ምን ያደርጋል ተሽነፋችኋ!!!” አልሁት። አወ እሱም የኔ ኩራት ሳይገባው አልቀረም። ከዚያም በአይኔ ህሊናዬ ጣልያኖች ኢትዮጵያን ቢይዙ ኖሮ ምን እሆን ነበር የሚለውን አሰላሰልሁ።
እኔ እፈጠር ነበር?መልሱን ማግኘት አልቻልሁም ግን አንድ ነገር እንደሚሆን  አወቅሁ  ያም ዛሬ የምናያት ኢትዮጵያ እንደማትኖር። እኔም ማንነቴ እንደ ኑግ ተወቅጦ ተለውሶ ማንንቴ ለዘላልም ተዳፍኖ ይቀር ነበር። አወ ዛሬ በኩራት የምፅፈው አማርኛም ዳብዛው ጠፍቶ ጣሊያንኛ ለአለቆቼ ስመልስ ባይኔ ታዬኝ። ያ ኔ ነው ሂወታቸውን፣ አንገታቸውን ሰጥተው፣ ደረታቸውን ለመትረየስ አፈሙዝ ግልብጠው ስጥተው ማቄን ጨርቄን ሳይሉ ቤት ንብረታቸውን ትተው በዱር በገደል ቅጥል በልተው ጎርፍ ጠጥተው ፣ ቅማል በላያቸው ላይ  እንደ ዝናብ እየዘነበ፣ እርሃብና ጥምን አምቀው ይዘው እማማ ኢትዮጵያን ለዚህ ያበቋትን የቁርጥ ቀን የኢትዮጵያ ልጆችን በአይነ ሂሊናዬ ቃኘኋቸው። አፍረትም ተሰማንኝ::

እኔን ለሀገሬ ምን አደርግሁላት????  የሚለውን ሳስብ። መጪው ትውልድስ ከኔ ምን ይወርሳል ጉድ ነው አልሁ። ያ ፈረንጅ (ሰላቶ) እኔን  በሃሳብ ውቅያኖስ ውስጥ ለቆ ጉዞውን ቀጠለ። እኔ ግን ሃሳቤን ከኒያ የቁርጥ ቀን ልጆች ጋር አድርጌ ጉዞየን ቀጠልሁ። ለራሴም ቃል ገባሁ ይህንን ለማካፈል።  ባለኝ አቅም እና ችሎታ ቀሪውን የሙዚቃ ስንኝ እና ግጥም ለማግኘት ወደ መከረኛው ጉግል አንባ አመራሁ። ያስብሁም ተሳካ። ጣልያን ኢትዮጵያን ልትወጋ ስትመጣ የተዘፈኑ ዘፈኖችን አንድ በአንድ አገኘሁ። ጉድ ነው አልሁ። ፈጣሪ አያድርገውና ቢያደርገው ኖር  የሀገራችን ዘፋኞች በጣሊናኛ ነበር የሚያዝናኑን። እረ ስንቱ?  እነ ማሪቱ ለገሰ ማራቸው አልቆ፣ እነ እሳቱ ተሰማ እሳታቸው ተዳፍኖ፣  እነ ሜሪ አርሚዴ  መሪ አልባ ሆነው፣ እነ ጥላሁን ገሰሰ ጥላቸው ተገፎ ሁሉም እርቃናቸውን ይቀሩ ነበር። ደግነቱ የኢትዮጵያ ጀግኖች አርቆ አሳቢ ለትውልድ ተቆርቋሪ ነበሩና  ማሪቱም ማር፣ እሳቱም እሳት፣  ጥላሁንም ጥላ ሁሉም ዘፋኞች ዘፋኝ እንዲሆኑ አድርገዋል። ታዲያ የነዚህ የቁርጥ ቀን የኢትዮጵያ ልጆች ውለታችው ምን ይሆን? መልሱን ለእናንተው
ለሁሉም ጣልያን ለኢትዮጵያ የዘፈነላትን ዘፈን በከፊል እንሆ




Words: Nino Rastelli Music: Dino Olivieri


Amba Alagi

  Words: Cap. Alfredo De Biasio Music: Dino Olivieri


Cantate di legionari

Words: Auro D'Alba Music: Francesco Pellegrino


Cara mamma

Words: C. Bruno Music: Eldo Di Lazzaro


Faccetta nera/Little Black

Words: Renato Micheli Music: Mario Ruccione 



Saturday, December 5, 2015

Breaking News! Police responding to ‘high-risk incident’ in Neenah, WI, fears of hostages taken

Police are monitoring a high-risk incident in the city of Neenah, Wisconsin. Local media report an active shooter has barricaded himself inside a shop and taken hostages.
Neenah PD is monitoring a high risk incident in the 200 Blk of Main St. There has been a report of at least one possible shot fired,” the police said on their Facebook page.
Dean Kaufert, the Neenah Mayor, told FOX11 around 30 shots were fired. He also said there are people in the basement of the Eagle Nation Cycles shop, where the incident is taking place.